Update: I have done a whole series of videos related to yeast infection recovery make sure to visit my youtube page here to find all the recovery videos. Let me know if you have any questions.
You must be wondering about how the recovery process from a candida infection would actually be, especially since there is a lot of contrasting information on the internet. You may have a bleak picture about it in your head – some sites tell you that you are going to feel terrible with die-off reactions when you are recovering, others will ask you to stop eating a lot of the things that you usually eat and you might imagine that you will be starving during the process, while still others will paint a picture for you that you will be living on a hundred thousand supplements for the rest of your life. Recovery sounds pretty awful, doesn’t it?
Related articles:
- Is Labored Breathing a Sign of Candida?
- Recurring Ringworm: Can It Be Candida?
- Vaginal Yeast Infection: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
- Everything You Need To Know About Candida Auris
- Penis Yeast Infection: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors & Treatment
- 4 Reasons To Avoid Diet Soda With Candida
But wait! What if I told you that it does not have to be awful? What if I told you that you can make your recovery an easy process, not have any die-off reactions, and not have to starve yourself, nor take millions of supplements for the rest of your life? Yes, it is really possible if you follow what I tell my patients:
1. Do not go cold turkey: It is true that you will have to make changes in your diet. You will have to cut out sugars, alcohol and unhealthy carbohydrates. But as with anything addicting, do not go cold turkey – do not suddenly stop have these things totally. You need to gradually reduce them. If you follow this very simple rule, your transition from your usual to a candida diet will be smooth and without the horrors of die-off. Also, replace the bad carbohydrates with good carbohydrates – your body needs carbohydrates but not the ones that help candida, have the ones that benefit you. You will find a detailed article on which carbohydrates you can introduce in your diet here.
Further reading:
2. Have good nutritious food and don’t starve yourself: Although occasional fasting is good for health, starving yourself isn’t. If your diet is making you feel starved, you need to look into your diet and make some changes. When you cut down on carbohydrates that usually fill you – like bread, rice, pasta, etc. you will feel hungry and not satiated. If you try to compensate the deficit of carbohydrate with protein, for example from meat and dairy, you will feel full, but you will also feel blocked due to a very high protein diet.
A better strategy is to have a nutritious, well-balanced diet which includes some good carbohydrates as well. You need vitamin B and E which come from whole grains. Food sources are far better than vitamin supplements as they are generally better absorbed by our body (unless you are above 50, in which case you may need non-food source of vitamins). Whole grains and unpolished rice are fine on a candida diet even though they are carbohydrate sources. They release glucose slowly which benefits us rather than candida.
Include avocadoes in your diet which are a good source of fat and fibre. If you don’t like the taste of avocadoes try adding some salt and spice to it – the flavours of avocado become better with salt and it becomes much tastier to eat.
3. Have good supplements that kill candida, help you recover and support your recovery: It is of course possible to recover from candida without taking any supplements, but it can be a bit hard. Good supplements can support your recovery process and also ease it to some extent.
Your first step to recovery is killing off the candida overgrowth with a good natural antifungal agent that acts in multiple ways to ensure that candida does not become resistant to it. A good antifungal agent will contain multiple components combined into one pill/capsule/tablet (PREMIUM CHOICE) and not require you to buy several different pills. You will also want something that kills the bad bacteria that have overgrown alongside candida. Because candida changes your immunity, you become more susceptible to the growth of these bad bacteria as well. It is important that your antifungal supplement also takes care of these bad bacteria.
One such good antifungal is Canxida Remove which combines the antifungal and antibacterial goodness of many natural components – all in a single product.
The second step is to get back your good bacteria. For this you need to use a probiotic with systemic and digestive enzymes to help maintain the balance of intestinal microbes. I can recommend Canxida Restore for this. It contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 enzymes, is time release and need not be refrigerated.
The third step is to support your recovery through some good multi-vitamin, multi-mineral tablets. Candida infection makes you deficient in vitamins and minerals. You also need to get enough sunlight exposure for getting your daily vitamin D needs. The micronutrients will support your recovery by getting your immune system back in balance.
The Road to Recovery
Perhaps you have realised that the road to recovery from a candida yeast infection goes via making changes in your food and lifestyle. What you may not have realised is that this process is actually asking you to get rid of your addictions. As you read this right now you may be thinking “What rubbish!! Me and addiction? Impossible!!” But hear me out here.
We all have a potential to get addicted – not necessarily to drugs, but to certain aspects of life. Our desire for good, enjoyable, fun life takes us to the paths of addictions like an addiction to foods of certain unhealthy types, addiction to things like coffee or chocolate or sugar even, and certain behaviours like social drinking, smoking etc. These things have come to be considered so benign and “everyday” that they don’t feel like addiction at all and some of these addictions have become a part of our social and cultural practices. Can you see yourself fitting any of these descriptions – sugar cravings, cravings for “tasty” foods, giving in to the social pressures of drinking at a party etc.? These are the addictions that aggravate your candida condition and may also impede your recovery process.
Now you should not start thinking of your addiction as a disease. The new life-process model of addiction which is becoming more and more accepted considers addiction not a disease but as “a habitual response and a source of gratification and security” that can be understood only in the context of people’s experiences and social relationships.
In 2011, Substance abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which is a US government agency that formulates drug and substance abuse treatment policy, came up with a working unified definition and set principles for recovery which can actually help the people who need to recover and also allow assessment of how well one is recovering. I believe that recovery of any kind (and not only from an addiction) will follow these principles that SAMHSA has formulated.
The working definition of recovery as described by SAMHSA is “a process of change whereby individuals work to improve their own health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential”. This definition is also true for recovery from candida infections. Let us talk about some of the guiding principles of recovery in the context of recovery from yeast infections here:
Recovery emerges from hope: You might have got sick and tired of your infection; you may have tried some treatments and may not have recovered making you think that recovery from yeast infections is an impossible task. Well, it is not!! Recovery from candida is very real. Look at these successful recovery stories. So, the first thing you will have to have is hope. If you don’t have hope you have already lost half the battle – because you will not put in all your efforts where they need to be put. Doubt is your worst enemy – don’t let it creep into your mind. Believe in yourself and look forward to the day when you will be fully recovered – it will make your journey to recovery much better. A man stuck in desert runs on hope that he will find water and continues his search – the moment he loses the hope, fatigue creeps in and he gives up. Hope has seen some survive a desert for days without water – where hope, good advice and sheer will power were the only companions.
Recovery is person driven: You can look at the 4 types of recovery that people with yeast infection undergo. You need to decide which ones of these will be your type. You decide your own life goals and design the best path towards these goals. If your goal is to recover from candida infection, you will need the will power to solve your issues. You will need the commitment and you will need to assess your recovery every now and then.Once you have recovered, it is not over! You will need the will power to stick by the good and healthy way of living that you have practiced for months. If you get a hard-to-remove-stain over your favourite white piece of clothing and you finally manage to remove it, wouldn’t you be ultra-careful the next time? Your life is irreplaceable – you cannot buy another one – so why would you not want to take care of it? Why would you just waste all the hard work that you put in towards recovering? An oversight causing imbalance of your system can give you the infection again. You will have to start all over again!
Your recovery is driven by you. You are the master of your own health and happiness. Empower yourself with information and your will-power and give up the lazy attitude of “you do it for me”.
Recovery occurs via many pathways: You are unique as everyone else is. You have different needs, strengths, preferences, goals, culture and background. These all determine which paths you will take to recovery.In context of recovery from yeast infection the paths may include the recommended things you include in your diet (for example, if you hate coconut, you may not be able to take coconut oil), supplements that you take, your lifestyle (for example, what are you ready to give up to get enough sleep?) and the changes that you are willing to make, support from your family (for example, is your spouse ready to support you in the meal choices that you make; or is your partner ready to stay away from the foods that tempt you), social support (for example, are able to tell your friends at a party that you will avoid sugar and alcohol and your friends understand you and support you?), etc. The pathways you choose will be unique to your situation.
So this means that you will have to be the designer of your pathways to recovery – you could be out there finding supportive friends (are the people who you think are your friends really your friends if they cannot support you in your lifestyle choices?) or you could be out there convincing your friends also to give up their bad lifestyle choices. You will be the one to decide which of your favourite night-time shows you give up to get enough sleep every day. You are the master of your own destiny here and a master of your own recovery through the different paths you follow.
Recovery is holistic: Recovery includes your whole life, your mind, your body, your spirit, your environment and your community. When you are on your path to recovery from candida you cannot just do the diet and the natural antifungals and supplements but forget to take care of stress, your mental health, your attitude and all the other important factors. It might even require you to change your environment, for example to move your house if you are living in a mouldy house. You need to stay away from people with a negative attitude towards life – a negative attitude is infective and sucks hope and joy out from life.
Recovery is supported by peers: Other people who are also having a hard time with yeast infection and are hoping to recover are the ones who will be able to understand what you are going through, the ones who can share with you their experiences about recovery – what is working for them, what is not, where did they go wrong etc. Your peers are the ones who will play a special role in your recovery. Being in a group of peers will help your engagement and encouragement in your own recovery – you will get a sense of belonging and of a community. You can join or even start a peer-operated support group where you all can discuss your paths to recovery.
Recovery is supported through relationships: We have discussed this earlier – you need friends and family who support you in your efforts. Involve your family and close friends in your recovery. These are the people who you are around in your daily life and these are the people who can be your constant source of hope, support, and encouragement. As they know your personal situation better than others, they will be in a unique position to suggest strategies and resources for change they will be in a unique position to suggest strategies and resources for change.
Of course, you should try and convince your good friends to support you in the times where you are under social pressure to do a certain thing which may actually bring you back to square one on your road to recovery. If they really care for you they will. Else, meet new people and find those who will support you. Meeting new people is a good thing anyway – we learn from new people and new perspectives and being social animals it also fulfils our needs to socialize.
If you follow these principles, it is very likely that you will completely recover without a chance of relapse. Wish you all the best on your journey to recovery from candida.
How long it takes to recover from candida? What is the recovery time?
Recovery from chronic candida infection is actually based on how motivated you are to recover and what is it that you are ready to do for your recovery. The journey to recovery from candida is a long one and if you follow all the principles of recovery and do all the right things, you can recover in a year. If not, your journey can be much more prolonged.
If you need to take a train from station A to station B, your journey will be faster if you take the correct train, do not skip on buying a ticket, do not have too many detours, and of course sit yourself in the train. It is the same with recovery from chronic candida condition – you need to have the right solution (diet, recovery principles, lifestyle changes, supplements), you need to use the solution, you need to make sure that you do not detract from your path to recovery (for example, not have alcohol one night and ruin it all for yourself), and have the determination to recover completely.
Don’t believe anyone who gives you a solution that promises you instant recovery. Chronic candida infection messes up with a lot in your system and it takes long to rebuild something which is destroyed.
What are the signs and symptoms that I am recovering?
Recovery will make you start to feel a lot better. You will sleep better, you will have improvement in your symptoms depending on what kind of candida infection you have, you will feel more energetic, you will have less gut related symptoms like bloating and flatulence. You may also note that some of the symptoms you had earlier – like a headache have come back. But this is not a sign to worry – it only means that your suppression of these symptoms has gone away. And don’t worry, as you continue to improve, these symptoms will go away too.
You will mark your recovery yourself and your family and friends will too. But you have to be careful here – feeling better does not mean that you have completely recovered. When someone is famished and starving, even a dried piece of bread tastes like the best thing they have ever eaten. But that does not mean that it is the best thing! Don’t let yourself cheat you out of your recovery and lead you straight back to square one.
Do you have any successful candida recovery stories?
Tons, if you go to my youtube channel candidacrusher you will find a lot of successful case studies. There are over 50 candida case studies.
What is the recovery process like? How it all starts?
Recovery varies from person to person and is dependent on the paths of recovery that they are following. However, when you start recovering, you may feel a bit fatigued or have withdrawal symptoms – withdrawal from foods that you are slowly trying to cut out. However, if you are smart and do not go cold turkey and remember to replace your bad carbs with good carbs, you should not get fatigue or withdrawals.
You may still get constipation or diarrhoea as the microflora in your gut changes for the better and your body tries to acclimatize to the new flora. You may feel a bit itchy, have disturbed sleep, etc. This is quite normal.
After this stage you will start feeling much better. But this is the danger period which we have discussed in the question on the length of recovery. This is where you might be careless and do something that gets you back to square one. If you are careful during this time, you will make your journey smooth and without any incidence and you will reach your destination of full recovery in a good way.
Is there a diet to follow during the recovery?
Yes, you need to follow a good, well-balanced and holistic candida diet during the recovery.
Can I speed up my candida recovery time?
Yes, you can speed your recovery by doing the right things – diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes, following the principles of recovery and keeping steady your determination to succeed.
Does it take the same recovery time for all types of candida yeast? I have penis yeast infection and I want to know how long it can take to recover from it?
As I have mentioned earlier, it is very personal how long it takes someone to recover from their candida infection. It also depends on your age and if you have any other issues like diabetes, etc. Of course, the processes on the path to recovery that you will choose to recover from a penis yeast infection will be slightly different from that you will choose to recover from a candida infection of the mouth. However, it is important to remember that when you have a penis yeast infection, there is usually something else going on in your system that made you susceptible to this infection in the first place.
Getting rid of your penis yeast infection symptoms may make you think that all is well. For example, let us say that you got severe balanitis and phimosis and were forced to get a circumcision. Circumcision often leads to removal of all signs of infection. However, it does not mean that you are completely cured. Your body will show symptoms of candida infection elsewhere. So, you need to get rid of candida from your system completely. And this will take more or less the same time and determination that it would take for getting rid of a chronic yeast overgrowth in the gut.
Will candida yeast infection recover on its own?
Some mild forms of candida yeast infection may go away by themselves. This will be dependent on the health of your immune system and how capable it is in removing the infection. Generally, chronic candida infections do not go away by themselves and need your help.
Hysterectomy Recovery?
Hysterectomy can make you get yeast infection primarily because of the antibiotics that are used in relation to surgery. To recover from any such infection you will basically need to rebalance your microflora – both in your gut and vagina. Apart from a good well-balanced candida diet, you also need to take probiotics both orally and in the vagina. These will aid your recovery from yeast infection after hysterectomy.
What are some good supplements I can take during recovery?
We have discussed this in this article. Please have a look.
I think I am recovering however I have some aggravations how to minimise it?
You should find out if your aggravations are because of the following things:
- Drug-side effects: are you taking any modern medicine, for example, antibiotic, contraceptive pill etc.
- Have you recently stopped some medication in favour of natural treatment? Do not stop your medication suddenly but gradually taper them down.
- Is your diet sensible and well balanced? Have you suddenly stopped eating any carbs at all? Never make sudden radical changes in your diet. Also, never have a silly diet that tells you to completely stop eating one of the important constituents of nutrition. Also make the changes slowly and gradually.
- Are you combining different treatments – pharmaceutical drugs with natural drugs, for example? Never do that as you never know what bad interactions these might have.
- Are you having cleansing reactions? When you start a natural treatment, your body starts a clean-up of the toxins. These toxins are modified by the liver into less toxic compounds by modification. However, as described in a 1991 review article by D.M. Grant from Canada, some chemicals may also get converted to more toxic forms. These could give cleansing reactions. Not everyone gets a cleansing reaction by taking a certain thing as this is dependent on the person’s genes. If this occurs, it is not a good thing and you will have to listen to your body and see if what it says.
What factors or things will determine how fast or slow I will recover?
Your passion for recovery, taking action, your will-power to continue, your determination and perseverance, how long you have had candida, your state of immune system, any other illnesses (for example, diabetes), and your age will determine how fast or slow you recover.
I have read your recovery article and watched the videos but I have never fully recovered why?
The things that you need to ask yourself are:
- I have read your recovery articles and watched the videos, but have I followed everything that was mentioned? If you have missed out on one or few things that are important for your recovery, you will never recover.
- Have I been determined and persistent enough? Try and think if you have had a drink or two in between, or a piece of cake perhaps? Do a “will-check” and find out if you have had the will to recover, and do a “action-check” to find out if you have taken the appropriate actions at all times.
- Have I been self-aware and kept a track of what works for me and what doesn’t? You are a unique person and what works for someone else may not work for you. So when doing the candida recovery program, you have to pay attention to your body’s reactions whenever you change something – you fine-tune the amounts, the ingredients, the components to suit what your body needs. Learn to listen to your body – believe me, it talks and gives you an indication of what it should have and what it should not.
- Have I taken care of my stress? If you have not, it will not allow you to recover fully. You need to find ways to beat a stressful lifestyle if you want to really recover from candida.
- Do I sleep well most nights? If you are doing everything and not sleeping well most nights or have insomnia, this could be a reason for your lack of recovery. Sleep is a very important part of our life – this is where your systems “reboot” and clean. Sleep has a great impact on our immunity as well – so if you are not sleeping well, your immune system will not improve. If you cannot sleep for a while after you get to bed and your mind keeps running, you need to exercise in and have a relaxation session in the afternoon and try to relax before you go to sleep by thinking about good things and don’t stimulate your brain with looking at screens before sleep. If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, you should take some magnesium or a little bit of cheese or meat before sleeping. Also have a relaxation session in the afternoon.
Further reading:
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