1. Grapefruit
You may have heard that citrus fruits should be avoided on an anti-candida diet.
So why is grapefruit different?
Grapefruit seeds (as well as the pulp) contains GSE (also known as grapefruit seed extract) one of the most powerful anti-fungals known to man. In fact, GSE was discovered by Korean scientists to destroy the cell membrances of over 100 different yeast cell species along with over 800 different pathogenic bacteria WHILE IGNORING beneficial flora.
You can make you own GSE liquid at home by thouroughly grinding grapefruit seeds, juiceless pulp, and the white membrane found in the rind.
A fair warning though: GSE liquid is EXTREMELY bitter. So bitter that most people have trouble gulping it down. That’s why I recommend a good supplement that contains GSE in tablet form (see bottom of this page for details).
2. Oregon Grape, Barberry, or Goldenseal Extract
Not to be confused with regular grapes or other berries, the three plants mentioned above each contain a bitter-tasting yellow liquid called Berberine, a very potent natural antibiotic.
Berberine has a broad spectrum application in that it not only weakens Candida but is also effective against some of the nastiest bad bacteria such as e-coli, staph aureus giardia, entamoeba histolytica, trichomonas vaginalis, leishmania donovani as well as several well-known parasites.
Don’t let the fact that it’s an antibiotic worry you. Berberine has no effect on the benenficial bacteria in your gut. Go for a supplement that contains “berberine concentrate HCL” vs one labeled as “goldenseal extract.”
3. Clove
Another herb very effective against yeasts and parasites, clove contains a substance called eugenol which a 2009 study at the University of Porto, Portugal, discovered RUPTURES & DESTROYS yeast cells upon contact.
They also found that it almost entirely prevents Candida Albicans from producing hyphae, which are branching filaments that Candida & other fungi use to penetrate the gut wall & spread to other parts of the body.
Eugenol was even found to be effective against yeast strains that had become resistant to some drugs, one of the most common anti-fungal drugs used to treat yeast infections.
Due to how bitter clove is in high doses, it can be difficult to consume enough of it to obtain the effects listed above. Look for tablets that say something like “4 : 1 ratio standardized” on the label.
4. Garlic
I’m sure you’ve heard garlic is good against yeast, but did you know that allicin, the active compound in garlic responsible for that “garlic smell”, is one of the most potent natural anti-fungals ever discovered?
Studies have found allicin to be nearly as effective as pharmaceutical drugs for destroying Candida Albicans BUT without the nasty “die-off” side effects!
Go for something like an aged garlic extract with 2% allicin standardized on the label.
You may think 2% sounds small but that’s actually a whole lot because when that gets released throughout your whole digestive system it’s going to have a very strong kill effect on over 800 different kinds of bad bacteria, 20 different kinds of Candida & many, many different kinds of yeasts species such as microsporum, geotrichum, aspergillus and more.
Yeast hates garlic, particularly standardized, because it can’t develop a resistance to it. Don’t worry if you’re sensative to garlic. As long as you’re using an aged extract you shouldn’t have any problems.
5. Coconuts
You’ve heard that coconut contains lots of healthy fats (or fatty acids), but did you know one of these, caprylic acid, has been found to stop Candida from replicating?
It’s true. And while the effect isn’t too strong, it’s also not something yeast can develop a resistance to.
Get caprylic acid in the candida formula linked to at the bottom of this article.
6. Castor Bean or Castor Bean Oil
You’ve probably seen “castor oil” listed on the ingrediant label on certain processed foods at the supermarket. That’s because castor beans contain undecylenic acid, a potent natural anti-fungal often used as a preservative against mold (meaning it’s also effective against candida).
Don’t go looking for a bottle of castor oil at the supermarket, get an anti-candida formula that contains undecylenic acid as one of the ingrediants.
7. Black Walnut Hull Extract
If you’ve done any research into natural candida remedies you’ve surely heard of black walnut hull.
Black walnut hull contains a compound called juglone, which according to a 1999 University of Mississippi study is almost as effective at wiping out worms, parasites and yeasts than commercially available pharmaceutical chemicals.
Don’t worry if you’re allergic to nuts. Get a formula with black walnut extract as one of the ingrediants and you won’t have any problems.
8. Pau d’arco
Pau d’arco is an herb from South America that’s often singled out as one of the premier herbal Candida solutions due to research conducted in the 1970’s which discovered several dozen different active ingredients in pau d’arco that inhibit Candida and other fungi.
In our opinion, any anti-candida formula that doesn’t have authentic pau d’arco should be considered incomplete.
Be careful when buying pau d’arco in stores. It’s often counterfeited due to its high cost. If the price is too good to be true it’s probably not authentic.
9. Neem
Neem is an Indian herb rarely found in Candida formulations (but often used in natural soaps, shampoos and toothpastes due to its potent antimicrobial properties).
According to a 2011 study published in the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, neem extract, even at very low doses, has a very strong anti-fungal effect on a wide range of Candida, aspergillus and microsporum yeast species.
It is also anti-parasitic.
10. Oregano Oil
One of the most potent natural anti-fungals, according to research conducted in 2001 at Georgetown University Medical Center, oregano oil, when injected into a culture of Candida, inhibits the growth of yeast completely.
These same researchers also found yeast infected mice given oregano oil were fully healed within 30 days whereas ones given olive oil were dead within 10 days.
What makes this even better is yeast (and candida in particular) can’t develop a resistance against it – meaning it NEVER stops working.
Liquid oregano oil is so potent that two drops on your tounge will turn your face red and make you feel as if you just bit into a ultra-hot pepper. Avoid liquid filled capsules and go for a tablet formula that contains it such as the one mentioned below.
11. Liver and Egg Yolk
Liver & egg yolks are the two foods riches in something called biotin, a sulphur-containing coenzyme (vitamin) produced by the beneficial bacterial in healthy people that has the ability to halt the growth of Candida and prevent it from maturing into its hyphal & mycelial form (which are VERY HARD to get rid of).
Simply put, biotin keeps Candida in check and stops its mycelia from spreading into the bloodstream (where it would then have the opportunity to invade ALL other organs, including the skin, vagina and brain).
The interruption of this vicious cycle is crucial if you want a full recovery.
Getting these 11 foods & herbs into your diet daily can prove quiet tedious (who the heck eats castor and oregano oil daily?), especailly due to how difficult sourcing potent versions of these compounds can be.
Thankfully there’s a supplement that conains all 11 of these ingrediants and several move. Check it out at Canxida.com/remove today (also be sure to check out it’s reviews on youtube).
I have been dealing with candida overgrowth for 12 yrs, I imagine it as there prior to that, I just didn’t know it.
I have spent thousands. It is impossible to see a doctor (ND) unless you have lots of money. I have
become disabled due to not being able to overcome this god awful plethora of an issue.
Been SOOOO sick.
have changed my diet, progressively. It wasn’t easy in the beginning. have done LOTS of antifungals, GSE, Oreganol, Oregamax, turmeric, garlic, you name it, I most likely did it, except Borax, not done that.
I have leaky gut now, it has progressed, and NOW over the past 2 yrs went from constipation to loose bowel where I empty out (not diarrhea) and all nutrients, stool is black. I know I become low
on Iron, magnesium, calcium I suppose, and who knows what else! I am then in tears within 5 minutes of emptying.
I am now taking 5htp to try to help the serotonin deficiency issue.
What should I do for now, about the emptying? I can’t take antidiarrheals, causes lung issues. I breath
shallow at night.
and you said you were creating a supplement especially for US, who suffer from candida. I remember hearing you say you were hoping to have it out by 2016.
Where can I find it? I get so scared at times, I have a severe case of it. I have known that if I hadn’t been
doing what Ive been doing for all these yrs, I would be dead.
pls contact me and let me know!?
We are sorry to hear this.
Please check Canxida.com for our range of products.
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