Why do some people struggle for years and years to try and get on top of a candida problem or a SIBO problem or a irritable bowel problem or a gut problem in general? Some people for years they go on and on. Some patients I’ve seen on candida diets for three years, even five or 10 years. Whereas other people within three months, six months or a year, boom, they got rid of it. It’s gone. Okay. Even some people who’ve had it for years can nail it in no time. Yet others just go on and on and on.
I’ll give you a couple of reasons why. One of the reason is obviously genetic. There are things that we can account for. Some people are fast healers. Other people aren’t. Some people heal really quick. Other people heal really slowly. But in my opinion it’s got a lot to do with the diet and lifestyle and the supplementation. Those three key things of those two cohorts, of those two groups. Okay. So one group will chop and change. They’ll go on a diet and they’ll get aggravation and quickly switch to another diet. They’ll go to the internet and they’ll find something else. So every so many weeks or months, they’re switching from one thing to another. That’s not an… Oh my goodness, my bookshelves are finally falling down. Actually, that was a book falling. So that’s one group. Okay.
Another group, the doctor hoppers, they’ll hop from one doctor to another. So I’ve had many patients over the years I’ve seen. They’ll stay with me for maybe a month, six weeks. Then they’ll jump over to another person over there, lady maybe in Alabama, or they’ll go to a guy in New York or they’ll get to some guru in Madrid, Spain or something. And then a year later they’re back on my doorstep again. That’s common too. People not sticking to a clearly defined protocol and working it through, but changing horses midstream. Not a good idea. Okay.
And then we get the supplement hoppers, the people who try this pill and that pill. They’ll go either. They’ll buy a supplement for $6.99. They’ll take 25 capsules a day and they didn’t work. And then they’ll try another supplement and another supplement. Some people I see end up with a whole desk full of 50, 60 supplements, cupboards falls, their drawer full of stuff. And you know what? It was a waste of money. Instead of just sticking to a clearly defined protocol with a high quality range and following it through, they’d probably would have achieved an outstanding result in a much shorter period of time.
I was in exactly that same position in my twenties. I kept changing for awhile. I had nowhere to go. I didn’t know who to talk to. There was no internet. All I had was a library with old fashioned books. We didn’t really know what to do. So I had to figure things out for myself. And eventually that led to study. And the rest of you will know. So it’s not a good idea to keep changing what you do.
Related articles:
- All You Need To Know About Rhodotorula
- How Many Stool Samples Do I Need for the CDSA Test?
- Functional vs Conventional Laboratory Testing for Candida
- Metabolites, Mycotoxins, and Acetaldehyde – What Are They?
- Fatty Liver And Candida Infection: Is it Connected?
But to do one thing and to see it all the way through until its completion especially if you work with someone who’s got experience, and I’m not talking about me because there’s people out there probably way more experienced than me. But I have worked with a lot of people for a long period of time in clearly defined niches and work that protocols over 10, 15, 20 years that pretty well nail candida. But it’s up to you. Whether there’s a trust issue with me or you want to jump on the internet, try something else, I’m fine by that. But I can tell you this. Find something that works for you and don’t change. Stick with it, right?
The key thing is you need to look for reasons why you keep going back into the candida state. You have to take a long, hard look at yourself, particularly how you live, how you eat, how you think, how you work, how you relate. All of these things need investigating. So the best knowledge is self knowledge. When you can work these things out, make some changes. You’ll probably find your health will go up another notch. You just have to keep looking. There’s no guru out there. There’s no book that’s the bible of candida. They don’t exist, right? But there’s a whole bunch of people out there on the internet that are talking a lot of crap. I can tell you that from spending a lot of time looking at different websites.
When I launched Candida Crusher in 2013, a lot of the information in that book was quite new to the market. It’s interesting now that many people are saying the same stuff, right? But many of the products that they’re promoting are just not up to speed. You can take whatever you want. I don’t really care what supplements you take. I just make sure the quality is good and that the products actually work, and you will know that by taking something for a period of just several weeks, you should start noticing significant changes slowly building up in the body. Especially when the diet has been changed and the lifestyle is conducive towards healing you, you’ll notice serious results as time goes by sooner rather than later.
But remember every person on that step through recovery will always have some type of headwind or setback. Don’t let that stop you, right? You’ve had many setbacks in your life probably like I’ve had. You’ve had doors closed in your face or people saying no. It doesn’t matter. If you keep on going, another door opens, right?
So to recap, stick with the plan that’s proven with many people and it’s defined. That plan needs to be tailored by you to suit yourself. B, make sure that your lifestyle is conducive towards healing, meaning spending too much time on the internet is not going to work for you. You know what I mean? Working too hard, not working enough, having bad relationships with people. These things need fixing. These things are probably more important than what goes in here because what you digest here is just as important, if not more than what you digest down there. All right? And the third thing is don’t take a whole bunch of supplements. You don’t need 20 supplements. You just need a few clearly defined ones that are going to work and you stay there. Keep those on track for several months until you get that desired action you’re looking for. And like many people, there should be a big breakthrough for you coming up. It’s just a matter of staying on track.