Best Diet For Gastritis

Best diet for Gastritis. You’ve got pain, you’ve got heartburn and you’ve got some painful stomach. Because the lining of the stomach is burning, it’s swollen, it’s really sore. What can you eat? What’s the best food? Well, think about this logically. You’re going to go to Google and you’re going to Google all these foods. And it’s going to say, don’t eat acidic foods, don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat spicy foods, avoid dairy, avoid gluten, avoid sugar. Avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid. And you get sick of all these avoids. It’s all fairly well. But here’s the funny thing. Some people with Gastritis can drink coffee perfectly well. Now you might go, “Ah, this guy’s nuts. Here he goes again, talking about all these things,” you know? Just because a webpage tells you to avoid a certain food, it doesn’t mean to say you need to avoid it.

You need to avoid what’s irritating your stomach. Okay? Now, common sense, all right? I’m not saying, I’m not condoning going to the Pizza Hut and having three pizzas and two liters of Coca Cola. I mean that’s just madness. But when you’ve got Gastritis, there are many things that you could eat that you maybe think you can’t eat. You may be avoiding them for certain reasons because you don’t like them or it could be certain types of vegetables. The alkaline diet is a nice one, an anti-inflammatory diet definitely does work for the majority of people. So meaning, when you have got Gastritis, alcohol is a no go zone and so is generally refined sugar. Honey should be fine, okay? So be careful of people who say avoid all sugars completely, it’s easy to make these blanket statements, but they don’t usually mean anything. Okay? Many politicians are good at these kind of things. So alcohol, coffee, obviously tea for some people, but many patients I’ve seen with Helicobacter or Gastritis could drink one or two coffees a day. No problem at all. All right?

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A clever thing for Gastritis, especially if there’s no known cause and the doctors can’t find it, is to step up the intake of different spices and herbs. Slowly over time. You may find massive aggravation when you first start. Now we’re talking ginger, garlic, many different types of spices like cinnamon, like clove. These could all be introduced into the diet. Colloidal silver, I’ve spoken of many times, is quite a good adjunct at little bits in the diet. Aloe vera can also help many people with Gastritis, so get some aloe vera drink, you just take a tablespoon per day in a bit of water, that can be really soothing.

One of the really cool things I found that works for many people is cabbage juice. Just green cabbage leaves juiced up, two tablespoons in the morning and two tablespoons before bed. Fresh cabbage juice. Bingo. No more Gastritis for the bulk of people who do that. All right? Cabbage juice works as well as many different antacids do for the gut, so try that out. Green cabbage juice, right? Aloe vera for others, but as I say, if you eat or drink any food and it flares the stomach up, write it down and make a mental note of all those foods. You might see some link between the type of foods or drinks, but there’s ways and means of not having bad attacks of this Gastritis all the time. Try the cabbage juice. It works.