What’s a good probiotic to take if you have a food allergy? Well, in my opinion, the best probiotics really are based as part of your diet, so cultured and fermented foods. So sauerkraut or kimchi or kefir or these sorts of things. These are all okay if you’re in reasonably good health, but if you’ve got a bad food allergy, no point dumping probiotics into the diet without first finding out what some of the key trigger foods are. Makes sense, doesn’t it? So you may want to go and see your naturopathic physician or your doctor or integrative medicine doctor or whoever you see and ask for a food allergy profile. This will be a blood draw. A good lab, if you’re watching this from the States, is US Biotech in Seattle. They’re one of my favorite labs that I worked with for many years.
I gave up doing food allergy tests probably in the last five years of my practice. I’m not practicing anymore, but as I got more experience I found I needed to do less and less because you could usually identify quite clearly what food or foods were the triggers with many people. And furthermore, if it wasn’t a food allergy, you could also pretty quickly work out whether it’s an intolerance or an allergy, which are two different things.
Anything with a good lactobacillus count is going to generally help the small intestine quite well. There are many different strains of lactobacillus selected. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a really good strain and now everyone’s talking about soil-based this and you know all these different special strains. But you know what? Good old lactobacillus acidophilus works really well in many cases. It’s one of the most powerful probiotics you can take. It itself makes many different substances which actually neutralize and kill bad bacteria around it.
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It’s also going to help them normalize different parts of the immune function. My favorite lactobacillus acidophilus is a DDS-1, Department of Dairy Science 1, which was developed by Dr. Kim Shahani in the States back in the ’60s. Dr Shahani was a world leader and microbiologists from Pakistan who came to America and who started to talk about beneficial bacteria in an era where people thought the guy needed to go to the loony bin, the psychiatric institute, because he talked about bacteria and health. Doctors back then thought all bacteria killed you. Now today, it’s actually doctors actually now tend to think, “Wow, bacteria may actually be good for your health.” When five minutes ago they were killing everything inside that headed the B syllable attached to it.
Shahani is quite a clever guy. He wrote I think over 200 papers were published eventually on the lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1. It’s the only lactobacillus I know that came from the human strain. It was developed from the human gut bacteria. It’s quite a profoundly powerful lactobacillus. It’s a phenomenally powerful probiotic. In my opinion, that’s one of the best probiotics you can take for a food allergy and for many gut conditions, lactobacillus acidophilus, DDS-1 from Kim Shahani. It’s a beauty.