Bowel Purging: The Candida Crusher Way

The bowel purge is designed to help people really clean out their gut. Many people who’ve not been eating properly or eating good food like natural healthy food, will have quite a lot of issues with their GI tract, especially their large intestine. For that reason, I like to put people through a bowel purge or a bowel cleansing program. In order to decide how much of a bowel cleanse you need, specific questions need to be answered. Are you pooping every day? Do you have easy eliminations? If the answer is, “No, I’m having difficulties,” or, “I’m going every second day,” or, “I’m can go for two or three days, but then I can’t move my bowels for a day or two,” then you need the bowel purge.

Follow the instructions in my book, Candida Crusher. I recommend using magnesium powder. There’s a product called Colozone that I like to use. Colozone is a magnesium oxide powder that oxygenates the bowel. Mix a teaspoon Colozone into a glass of water and drink it before bed. When you get up in the morning, it will be easy to move your bowels.

You can continue with this protocol for seven to fourteen days to get your bowels moving regularly on their own. Even if you need to stay with a bit of magnesium for several weeks to keep the intestine working through the program, that’s fine as well.

Further readings:

You don’t want to cleanse a body if the bowel’s not working correctly. There’s no point in trying to eliminate toxins if you can’t eliminate waste from the body. You’re going to recycle toxins in the body and make your health situation even worse.

Proper bowel function is a critical part of the Candida Crusher program. Don’t be afraid to use the Colozone or another suitable powdered magnesium product. They work quite well. They’ll clean the bowel out, and then you’re good to go.
