Some people report an increase in the sensitivity of their gut when they are addressing leaky gut and Candida infection. For example, they notice an increased sensitivity to wheat and sugar. Others have reported an increase in anxiety during the process of healing their gut.
In cases like that, I strongly recommend focusing on relaxation rather than stress.
Intensification of symptoms can occur under sympathetic domination. Sympathetic domination occurs in response to stress. The result is that you can end up feeling much, much worse. You may even be pushed into a panic attack. By working on the relaxation response, the “rest and digest” response, you can down-regulate the stress mechanisms in your body, and you won’t experience so many gut-related symptoms.
Further readings:
- Is Your Yeast Infection Caused By Mercury Fillings?
- How to Incorporate Sea Vegetables into Your Cooking
- Yeast Infections Cause Fermentation Dysbiosis
- Functional Testing For Candida – The Comprehensive Stool Test
- Can Brown Rice Be Part Of A Healthy Diet?
Be careful about cutting out foods and putting them back in again. When I start very sick patients on the program, I take them very slowly through the protocol. Only once they are feeling quite good will we re-introduce any foods. You don’t need to follow a complicated diet. Following a very simple lifestyle works the best.
Look at your lifestyle. You are probably living a very stressful life. It’s not what you put in your mouth that is the most crucial factor in recovering from leaky gut. It’s the things that are happening in your life that make the biggest difference to your digestive health.
Taking a vacation for a couple of weeks can be very helpful. You can see how the anxiety reaction decreases as the connection between your gut and brain changes.