Can I Do A Candida Cleanse Just With Foods Or Do I Need Supplements?

That’s a good one. Can I do a candida cleanse with just foods or do I need any dietary supplements to go with this cleanse?

That’s really up to you. It’s difficult to say. It depends on your case. In most cases though, you’ll find it can be done with diet alone. A candida cleanse can occur with diet. In fact, listen to this. Dr. Henry Bieler, 1965, “Disease can be cured through the proper use of foods. This statement may sound deceptively simple, but I have arrived at it only after intensive study of a highly complex subject, colloid and endocrine chemistry. My conclusions are based on experimental and observational results gathered through many years of successfully treating patients. I’ve sought to prescribe for my patients’ illness antidotes which nature has placed at their disposal.”

Now why did I sound like that? Well, it’s German guy, all right? Dr. Bieler’s quite a well-known physician that really rocked the boat back in the 60s and 70s by looking basically at food as medicine. One of the first few GPs of medical doctors that pushed food, because there were so many crappy foods back in the 60s, even more so than today. I think they put even more chemicals in a lot of these foods.

Yeah, you can do a cleanse just with diet, but it’s very, very difficult to do that. Times have changed. More chemicals are added to food, more stresses on the table now. People want things faster, quicker, better. Technology’s changed everything today. Foods have suffered quite a lot, unfortunately, particularly processed and packaged foods. So it’s getting increasingly difficult to have a very good diet just from the supermarket alone. Supplements really are the icing on the cake. When you take good supplements and only a few good ones, you will find that it will speed up the process significantly in comparison to just relying on food.

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For example, if you look at CanXida Remove, this supplement here, if you didn’t take that one and you were just to rely on diet, sure you could get an effective candida cleanse, but you’d be consuming quite a lot of garlic. You’d be consuming large amounts of grapefruit seed extract, and clove, and many spices, and different herbs that would be quite irritating to the gut. So it can be done, but it’s difficult. Supplements definitely enhance the process.

Look at probiotics for example. It’s very difficult to get the same action with fermented or cultured foods that you would by taking a probiotic twice every day. You’d soon get sick of fermented and cultured foods, and you can really create a big problem by having too much sauerkraut in your diet and especially kefir or kephir can make you very, very sick. You can even get yeast from these foods as a consequence if they’re made inappropriately or poorly, which many people stuff kombucha up completely, they don’t make it properly. They end up with a lot of gut problems, so be careful with doctoring at home.

Supplements are basically the icing on the cake, particularly if the cake is really good to begin with, a good cake. And we’re talking about cake with vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts and seeds, healthy diet, that’s the cake. The supplements are the icing on the top. And everybody likes a bit of icing, and it usually makes the cake work a lot better.