Can Candida cause weight gain?
It absolutely can, and I’ve dealt with this with patients now for many many years.
There are several ways in which Candida can cause weight gain.
The first way is a stressed-out immune system or adrenal stress. The results is sugar cravings and making inappropriate decisions about diet and lifestyle due to high levels of circulating cortisol. A high sugar diet can contribute to non-alcoholic fatty liver, which slows the metabolism and increases body weight.
Cortisol puts us in survival mode. Survival mode means craving for high energy foods like fat and sugar. It also means a slowing down of our metabolism.
Unfortunately, Candida can be a source of stress, and stress can facilitate the growth of Candida. It’s a vicious cycle.
Related articles:
- Enema Solution For Candida: How Enema Can Help Get Rid Of Your Candida
- Can Bentonite Clay Get Rid of Candida?
- How Your Gut Can Keep You Happy: Mood Disorders and Gut Dysbiosis
- Does Xylitol Kill Candida?
- How To Find The Right Candida Specialist for Your Candida Overgrowth
The second way that Candida can cause weight gain is that it leaves people feeling very tired. When you’re fatigued, it’s hard to engage in the physical activity that will keep your weight in the right range for you. Lack of physical activity will slow your metabolism down, which will encourage even further weight gain.
Thirdly, the toxins produced by Candida can contribute to weight gain. Candida can produce up to a hundred different types of toxins. These toxins can reduce liver function and induce mental, emotional, and physical fatigue.
Candida toxins are an important part of a slowed metabolism.
Fourthly, Candida is often accompanied by other gut problems like an absence of beneficial bacteria and too many harmful bacteria. That type of gut dysbiosis is associated with obesity.
If you don’t’ want to have a weight problem, make the choices that keep your liver healthy. Eat fresh vegetables, low sugar fruits (e.g., avocados, berries), and lean proteins. All of these foods support liver function and help keep your body weight in check.