CanXida Products For The Treatment Of GERD

GERD is an acronym for gastroesophageal reflux disease – the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus. There is a little muscular sphincter (Lower esophageal sphincter or LES) that is supposed to stop stomach acid from moving backward into the esophagus.

Sometimes the LES doesn’t close properly, and acid can flow into the esophagus, causing what is commonly called “heartburn.” GERD is associated with several habits, including a crappy diet and drinking alcohol. Your stomach is not a cement mixer. You can’t just throw anything into it and think it will manage.

The LES doesn’t like it if you are overfeeding yourself. Overfilling the stomach can contribute to GERD. Unfortunately, most people eat far too much food. Overeating is one of the most significant contributors to digestive problems, including GERD. A doctor once told me that the best exercise is pushing the plate away once you have had enough to eat.

GERD can also be related to having a hiatal hernia. The diaphragm is a muscular structure that helps to control breathing and the lungs. It is kind of like a corset. Sometimes part of the stomach pops up the diaphragm opening and interferes with the normal function of the LES. Losing weight and learning to breathe properly can help reduce the effects of a hiatus hernia.

GERD is also related to stress because the stress system very much influences diaphragm function. Learning to breathe properly will improve digestion. You need to slow down a bit, eat slowly, chew properly, and eat less food.

I wish medical doctors would offer this kind of guidance.

Further readings:

There are three CanXida supplements ( that can play a role in managing GERD and other digestive problems.

CanXida Remove helps control any microbial imbalances and Candida in the gut. CanXida Restore contains probiotics and helps increase beneficial bacteria. CanXida Rebuild provides the trace minerals and vitamins you need for good health.

In all cases, start the CanXida products at a low dose and increase slowly based on your tolerance level. Remember, even if you are taking these supplements, you still need to eat healthily, breathe properly, and manage your weight when trying to manage GERD.

If you want to read more about this topic, I wrote about GERD in my book, Candida Crusher.
