Category Archives: Announcement

Eric Bakker

After 8 years of being the co-owner and face of CanXida, Eric Bakker N.D. has now decided to step away from the CanXida team.

Eric Bakker was the original formulator of the CanXida products, & the author of our Candida Crusher ebook & many of the articles on

During his time at CanXida, Eric created over 2000 free videos sharing things he learned from 35 years of healing gut disorder patients. (many of whom came to him after every doctor, specialist, and pharmaceutical drug failed them).

He also created a CanXida User Guide, Candida Recipe Book, Candida Shopping Guide, CanXida Mobile App, & a long list of other tools you’ll slowly discover as you watch our videos & read through our articles and emails.

He is moving on to focus on other business endeavours and to spend more time with his family. The CanXida team thank him for his contribution and wish him all the best for the future.