Constant Smell Down There Is Driving Me Crazy? What is it? Is it Yeast Infection?

A question we get asked all the time at; constant smell down there is driving me crazy? What is it? Is it Yeast Infection? What are the causes, how to get rid of it, I smell bad all the time.

Many people often notice all kinds of increased and unpleasant odors associated with Candida overgrowth. Often this comes from several sources and is emitted from different regions of the body. For example I am frequently asked questions relating to bad breath, increased overall body odor, pungent underarm odor and, of course, sulfurous flatulence.

There are many reasons for this increase in odors which can include the release of toxins, increase in bacterial levels, fermentation, or rather lack of it with intestinal foods and the way gasses build up. However when it comes to vaginal thrush the questions most often asked, obviously, relate to why there is an increased odor from ‘down there.’

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Unpleasant Odors Are Not Because of Poor Hygiene

What most people fail to realize is that the unpleasant vaginal odors are not due to a poor hygiene routine. In fact the vagina, under normal circumstances, is self cleansing. This is achieved by a balance of healthy microflora which flush away any unwanted particles and organisms and is reflected by a vaginal discharge which is usually clear and which has little or no odor. Yet when the pathogenic bacteria become dominant these cleansing bacteria are outnumbered and they cannot cleanse the area as they should so a build up of waste products can begin. As these products build up and subsequently degrade then they can produce an unpleasant smell.

However what must be made clear is that under no circumstances should you attempt stringent vaginal washing in an effort to rid yourself of either the bad bacteria or the odor. This can result in damaging the lining of the vagina and it can also upset the balance of the microflora even more severely both of which will have the overall effect of making the overgrowth worse.

So, there is a reason why so many women are asking the question, “Why is there a constant smell down there that’s driving me crazy?” but maybe they will be reassured to learn that it is a result of the self-cleansing system of the body malfunctioning due to the yeast overgrowth rather than personal hygiene issues.

But the simple answer to the question, “How do I get rid of that bad smell down there?” is most certainly not vaginal washing. Nor is it to add any perfume sprays to the genital region because, again, they can simply aggravate an already irritated and sensitive area.

Rest assured that the smell is as a result of a biological malfunction and often this is reflected in a vaginal discharge which is more frequent, thick and discolored.

Getting Rid of the Bad Smell ‘Down There’

So, how do you get rid of the ‘bad smell down there’? Well, sometimes it can be resolved with an antifungal preparation and although these are available over the counter I would recommend that you first attend a clinician to confirm the diagnosis. One thing you should be aware of though is that antibiotics will do nothing to resolve the infection and will only serve to make it worse. This is because although they kill the overgrowth they also destroy the remaining healthy bacteria. So, if your clinician does offer you antibiotics make sure that you ask him if there are problems associated with this particular drug. There is also CanXida Cream which is a good alternative solution for vaginal thrush.

You can also help by making sure there is good air circulation to the genital region. Tight trousers are out, as is nylon underwear. If you can wear a light skirt with cotton pants or synthetic pants with a cotton gusset. Make sure you dry the area thoroughly after bathing and don’t use any powders or sprays which will only serve to make the problem worse.

What you are aiming for is to alter the environment which Candida love. This is the one which is warm, dark, moist and airless. Cooler, lighter, drier and airier, are the points you are looking to achieve.

Intestinal Causes of Vaginal Odors

In some women the problem is more extensive and this is usually reflected by them suffering from digestive issues in addition to the unpleasant discharge. This is because the overgrowth of yeasts is not confined to the vagina but it also infects the digestive tract.

If you are aware that this is the case then what you also have to do is treat the intestinal overgrowth as well as the vaginal issue. Often the only way of achieving this to ensure you do not get recurring problems is to embark on my Candida Crusher program.

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This program gives extensive information regarding dietary and lifestyle changes. As a starting point and at the very least you should cut out all products with sugars, alcohol and prescription drugs which may be aggravating the problem. Then increase the amount of lean meat and fresh vegetables in your diet. The ultimate aim is to starve the Candida into submission and give a helping hand to the good bacteria which will help not only digest your food but which will help rid you of the nasty overgrowth and unpleasant smells down below – for good!