Dermatitis: 7 Ways To Make It Better

Seborrheic dermatitis can be treated naturally. When I see clients with this condition, I review several tips for improving their skin:

1. Boost the immune system: There are several ways to improve your immune function. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Address any ongoing stressors in your life like work-related unhappiness or unhappy relationships.

Eating, fresh, healthy food will also boost your immune function. You can follow the dietary advice in my Candida Crusher book to ensure you’re in the right nutritional frame of mind. Adding a couple thousand milligrams of vitamin C to your daily routine is also helpful.

Giving up alcohol and smoking will help your general well-being. If you are going to drink alcohol, keep it to a minimum.

Getting outdoors every day, regular physical activity, and stress management through meditation or Tai-Chi will also upregulate your immune function.

2. Reduce your intake of allergenic and pro-inflammatory foods: Inflammatory foods are refined, heavily processed, take out, and sugary foods. Red meat and refined oils such as safflower, canola, and soy are also pro-inflammatory.

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Foods with high allergenic potential include cow’s milk product, gluten, eggs, oranges, bananas, and pineapple.

3. Stay well-hydrated: I’ve noticed that a lot of people with skin conditions don’t drink enough water. They tend to drink coffee, tea, or alcoholic beverages instead. Those aren’t the type of fluids your skin needs..

4. Treat your itchy dry scalp: Jason, Aubrey Organics, and Burt’s Bee are all companies that make fantastic products for dry, itchy scalps. Opt for chemical-free shampoos. There’s a company called Mother Dirt that sells shampoo that includes beneficial bacteria. That’s a smart idea. Products that contain coconut oil or coconut cream can be quite soothing to the scalp.

5. Consider using essential oils: Some of the essential oils that can benefit the skin include tea tree oil, coconut oil, almond oil, rosemary oil, cedarwood oil, and olive oil. If you have plaque around the ears and scalp, you can apply some oil and wash it off.

Manuka honey with a high MF factor can be used on small problem areas of the scalp.

6. Zinc supplements: Take 30 milligrams of zinc per day on an empty stomach and away from food. I recommend taking the zinc at bedtime. Zinc is very healing for the skin.

7. Avoid chemicals that can irritate the skin. This includes personal care products that are heavily scented or contain chemicals with names so long they’re hard to pronounce.
