The CanXida line of products isn’t only effective against Candida. We have had compelling evidence coming back that CanXida Remove and CanXida Restore can help treat Klebsiella infections. We’ve seen the pre- and post- stool reports demonstrating that CanXida Remove has effectively gotten rid of Klebsiella pneumoniae. CanXida Remove can do this because it’s a combination of multiple antimicrobials. I think the grapefruit seed extract and garlic extract combination in that product is very good for Klebsiella alone. I have had many stool tests come back from three-plus, very high-grade Klebsiella, and after two to three months of CanXida Remove treatment, the Klebsiella was gone. I recommend taking two to three CanXida Remove tablets each day. Combine that with a CanXida Restore capsule at breakfast and with the evening meal.
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The second trick I’m going to recommend for getting rid of Klebsiella is to get some grapefruit seed extract (GSC) Put five or ten drops in a little bit of lukewarm water and then gargle with this mixture. I’ve known some people who had an even better result by putting a few sprays of colloidal silver in the water first. Shake the water and colloidal silver together and then add the GSC. Do a deep gargle with the GSC mix at least three times per day.
Another step you can take to help your body fight off the Klebsiella is to pay close attention to your lifestyle, including sleep and your diet. Make sure that you’re getting a lot of sleep. Sleep is vital for optimal immune function, especially when it comes to the throat. Concerning your diet, I recommend avoiding dairy and gluten. Chicken soup is an excellent food for sore throat. In general, I recommend filling your plate with leafy green vegetables and light proteins like chicken and fish. I suggest avoiding pork and beef. Of course, alcohol is out of the question. You can’t drink any alcohol with that kind of infection. Plenty of water is also vital to getting and staying healthy.