Genital Yeast Infections: Why Treating Both Partners Makes Sense

If you’ve got a vaginal yeast infection, or if you’ve got jock itch, men’s yeast infection, have your partner treated at the same time. It makes a lot of sense. Too many times I’ve seen a guy recover only to get jock itch back again. Similar with my female clients, who got rid of their yeast infection, only to have it return.

If you have a yeast infection in the genital area, encourage your partner to get involved in a treatment program as well. On my YouTube channel, there are several videos about yeast infections in both women and men. I highly recommend watching those videos if you are dealing with a yeast infection.

Further readings:

Fortunately, successfully treating yeast infections is the norm. It’s very unusual for me to see a case of vaginal yeast infection that can’t be eradicated. The recovery rate for women is likely over 95%. With men, yeast can be a bit more challenging to treat, especially with balanitis. However, the recovery rates for men are still well over 90%.

Treating both partners at the same time reduces the risk of recurrence significantly. So, remember, if you and your partner have yeast infections, get treatment at the same time. It can make a world of difference.
