Goat Milk And The Candida Crusher Diet

Goat milk is an excellent food to have while following the Candida diet. It is essential to know that goat milk differ significantly from cow’s milk

Cow’s milk contains lactose, which can cause problems for people who don’t produce enough lactase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose. We call that lactose intolerance and it can result in digestive symptoms like gas and bloating. Strictly speaking, lactose intolerance is not an allergy; it’s an enzyme deficiency.

The other issue with cow’s milk is that it contains a protein called beta-casein A1. Beta-casein AI stimulates antibody production in some people resulting in a milk allergy. Cow’s milk is one of the strongest allergens you can eat. It is possible to get cow’s milk that contains beta-casein A2 rather than A1. This type of milk is called A2 milk. However, when you start fiddling with foods with proteins, you start modifying them. That’s why I don’t believe it’s a good idea to drink A2 milk.

Further readings:

Goat milk naturally contains the A2, rather than A1, beta-casein protein. As a result, it doesn’t have the same risk of triggering an allergy as cow’s milk does. Also, goat’s milk is very similar to human milk. Goat’s milk is incredibly good for humans because it is so nutrient-rich. Goat’s milk contains healthy fats, vitamin E, and alpha-hydroxy acid, which is a prebiotic.

Sheep’s milk and goat milk are excellent to have on the Candida diet because they encourage the production of lactobacillus in the small intestine. They’ve got good mineral and fat levels and are unlikely to trigger an allergic response. I recommend including sheep and goats milk right from the beginning of a Candida diet. They can be used as a substitute for cow’s milk. You can also have goat cheese on a Candida diet. Feta cheese made from goat’s milk is quite lovely. Yogurt made from goat or sheep’s milk is also very compatible with the Candida diet.

Camel’s milk is also suitable for people on the Candida diet, although like buffalo milk, it’s a bit high in fat.
