How To Treat A White Tongue

People often talk to me about having a white tongue. They hate it. Most people at some stage in their life will have a white tongue, either when they are a tiny baby, or when they get to be an older person. Everyone gets a white tongue at some time, and it’s usually no big deal.

A white tongue usually goes away quite easily, but there are a few circumstances when it’s more concerning. In some people, antibiotics can cause a white tongue. Antibiotics are indiscriminate. They will kill bacteria in the mouth, throat, stomach, and intestines. These regions of the body are lined with bacteria – some of which are beneficial bacteria.

Antibiotics will kill any bacteria they encounter. Imagine if you’re spraying weed killer around your yard and accidentally you spray a couple of apple trees and your prized lawn. It’s all going to die. You’re going to kill your plants, and if they don’t die, they will at least be knocked right back. Antibiotics are the same. They’ll kill on contact.

The trick is not to take antibiotics. In most cases, you don’t need these devastating drugs. There are other ways you can clear up problems in the gut apart from antibiotics.

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There are other reasons for white tongue. Smokers are more prone to getting a white tongue, especially if they drink alcohol regularly. People who drink alcohol tend to have a completely different gut than people who don’t drink alcohol. I’ve seen a lot of studies conducted on drinkers. The more alcohol you consume, the more you’ll disturb the beneficial flora and encourage parasites, yeast, and harmful bacteria to grow.

Lichen planus of the mouth can cause a white tongue. In rare circumstances, lichen planus or a white tongue can signify certain types of cancer.

I find a couple of puffs of colloidal silver in the mouth is an excellent oral rinse to clean out the mouth. I recommend a light application. Use a few pumps of 10 parts per million, then rinse your mouth with water and spit it out. Don’t use alcoholic mouthwashes because they kill beneficial bacteria in the mouth. Colloidal silver won’t do that.

Another option for a white tongue is tea tree oil. Put two drops of tea tree oil in a glass of warm water, thoroughly rinse the mouth, then spit it out. Oil pulling with sesame oil may help as well. First thing in the morning, take a dessert spoon or a tablespoon of the oil and roll it around your mouth. Spit it out. This oil will trap some of the harmful microorganisms in your mouth.

There are many different methods to clean and sanitize the mouth. Be sure to brush and floss your teeth properly. Get regular dental exams by a hygienist. It’s vital to look after your teeth. You need great teeth to chew properly. As soon as your teeth go down, oral health goes down, and your health will go down. In my opinion, teeth are your prized possession. Look after them.


4 thoughts on “How To Treat A White Tongue”

  1. I need help I’m 33 and I’ve been sick for 15 years plus. I need to know where to start.

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