I Haven’t Been Able To Poop For A Week Help!

That’s because I’ve been locked down for four weeks. Actually, it’s five weeks now with COVID-19. So, I trust everyone’s having a good time out there, and trying to make the best of every single day. Okay? It is beautiful being alive. You’ve got to think about it, and as my sister-in-law used to say, “They call today the present because it really is a gift.” Every day is a gift, all right? Whether you believe in God or don’t believe in God, don’t really care. Today is a gift, so it’s a special day for you. It’s a special day for me. Every day is a special day. As my old man used to say, “As long as your bum points to the ground, and your head’s up right, everything’s going to be okay.”

Now, a problem. I can’t poo. I haven’t been to the toilet for a week. I’ve got a real problem, right? That’s this video. Help, I can’t poop. It’s been a whole week, and I can’t poop you. Now, I’m going to put a link in the description box below. If you go to ericbakker.com, I think it’s forward slash, constipation. I’ve written a whole page on constipation on that site. I want you to check it out. Yeastinfection.org may also have some constipation articles of mine on there. So, it’s a real problem. So many people can’t go. So many people. I wrote quite a bit about this topic in Candida Crusher as well, so it’s the texture and the frequency of the stool that concerns me with many patients.

It’s normal to have a stool twice per day, at least twice per day. Once it’s good, two is very good. Okay? Three times can be even better, particularly if it’s well-formed. That tells me you’re eating a lot of fiber. Fiber is what you need to bulk up that stool. Carries a lot of debris and rubbish out of the body. Lots of toxins and crap are released. It’s a bit like you putting out your trash can every week. Would you put your trash can at once a month? You’re not worried about all the animals that congregate around the trash can in your yard somewhere. You’re going to get roaches, and you’re going to get rats, and all sorts of stuff. They’re going to be interested in all that. Well, this is what happens to people. You’re going to get bacteria, you’re going to get all sorts of viruses and yeast all growing in that gut, and you can’t not poop.

It’s really, really bad not to poop. It’s shocking, in fact. There are many ways to remedy this. In my book, I believe I wrote that having a really good bowel function is sort of similar to a woman having a great menstrual cycle, like on a monthly kind of thing. But something often happens, [inaudible 00:02:47] gets thrown in the works and the cycle won’t work properly anymore. Now for that woman, it might’ve been a relationship problem, or she got fired, or something bad happened emotionally, and then bang, the cycle got affected. Stress has got an incredible way of impacting on a female’s menstrual cycle just like stress has got a seriously big way in impacting on a person’s gut function.

Stress, in my opinion, is one of the key drivers behind constipation because it pushes people down pathways of eating the wrong food, not drinking enough fluid, drinking soda drinks instead of water, and making the wrong kind of decisions.

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Sure, there’s all sorts of tests you can do. You can eat beetroot, and then watch the passage of it coming through the bowel, and how many hours it takes for that red stuff to come out, and all this kind of thing. But one thing you can do every day, which I often talk about is the eyeball test, is actually looking when you’ve done number two, is having a look in the pan. Look in the toilet to see, look at the stool. Some people I speak to have never ever looked in the toilet bowl to look at their bowel motions, and they think, “Oh, no, it got looked down there. That’s all horrible.” Well, hang on. It came out of your body. All right? Can’t be that bad. You don’t have to actually touch it or stuff. But, you’ve got these two things here, and you can look at it, right?

You see what it’s like. You’re got to get a texture. You want a color. You don’t have to get down on your knees and sit there and have a real good look. But you know what I mean. Get a feeling for what’s happening, right? What goes in here and what turns around in here will dictate what comes out the tailpipe. So, stressful thoughts, angry thoughts, disturbing thoughts. Okay? Depressed thoughts, anxious thoughts, all these have an effect on the gut. Every single thought you have will affect the gut to a degree. The people I’ve personally found to have the best bowel functions are relaxed people.

They’re easy-going people. They’re not highly stressed or strung-out people. So, if you look at someone’s personality, you can often get a feeling for how they drive their car, how they treat their wife, how they have a bowel motion. You can just… I don’t know. With my experience with patients over the years, you can see that. And generally, when a patient used to come into my room, and sit down and start talking, I’ve already brought up a slow mental picture of the likely kind of problems or dysfunctions that she’s going to talk to me about. And guess what? About a year or two before I retired, I thought, man, I’m starting to get pretty cool with this because someone had come in and you’re thinking, “Okay, here we go. We probably got a gallbladder problem, a bowel problem, probably heavy menstrual cycle.” And those are the three things that she would say. Boom, boom, boom.

And then, most of the conversation will be dominated about her employer, that the guy’s a pain in the butt, that she didn’t like the guy. She didn’t like the way that she was treated in his office and things like that. So, they’ve built up a lot of resentment, and hate, and bitterness. Note the word bitterness. I just said gallbladder. So, as I’ve mentioned before, Asian people, Chinese really believe that every organ has an emotion attached to it. Each organ in turn. I love traditional Chinese medicine for that reason because they really look at the mind body concept.

What’s going on in here sometimes will dictate how this functions and what comes out there. So don’t ever forget that, okay? That, to me, is one of the number one reasons why people are constipated, right? It’s not just, you need to drink three more glasses of water a day, and have a couple of pieces of all bran wholemeal bread, and you’ll be pooping like fine. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll write you out a prescription for Loperamide or a drug that will make you poop like a duck, and then you won’t be in my room again. And that’s the doctor, okay? Very pragmatic, very critical saying, “Take this stuff. Get out of my office.” It’s not going to work. All right?

Please read my page, the link below. Click on that and read it on constipation, and go right through it, and look at my sensible tips on constipation. Follow those tips. If you follow those tips carefully, you will not have constipation. All right? The gallbladder is a big one for ladies, particularly for ladies, more so than men I find. So, make sure you read about in the gallbladder. Bitter things in the diet are quite good to include for women for that reason, like grapefruit, or olives, or olive oil, lemon juice. These things are quite good. Bitter greens are quite good to add in there.

I love olive oil, and I think that one good tablespoon of olive oil per day will go a long way to fixing up constipation. One patient I saw a long time ago now, it would have been what, 25 years ago now, had a bowel motion every 10 days. And her doctor said, “Look, it’s fine. If you’re pooping every 10 days, it’s fine for you. Don’t worry about it.” The guy probably wanted to get out of his office and play golf or something. I mean, come on. Get real, mate. Might come back to that with saying, “Excuse me, doc, you put out your garbage can once every two months? Is that fine?” And the doctor wouldn’t even be thinking that way. If it’s in there, it’s got to go out, and there are many ways you can get that accomplished.