Improving Your Health While Dealing with Candida

These are the health-building activities that reduce your risk of a yeast infection and increase your resistance to developing or maintaining one. The following activities boost your health and especially your immune health. With an increased resistance comes a lowered susceptibility, and this is good news for you. The good thing is that you can do plenty to get rid of your yeast infection if you want to, just be aware of the health busting activities and finally deal with them while at the same time increasing your health-building activities.

Mental and Emotional – happiness, laughter, not trying to be perfect, learning to say no to people, not over committing yourself, daily relaxation, lettings things go and not dwelling on unpleasant thoughts or unpleasant people, regular meditation or prayer, consciously slowing down your mind and thought processes and your life!, effective time management.

Physical – not smoking, avoidance of alcohol and caffeine, eating a healthy, balanced diet, consuming plenty of fresh organic foods, avoiding sugar, alcohol, junk and white flour, eating at regular times and never skipping meals, regular detoxification of chemicals, heavy metals, etc., daily exercise, regular dental check-ups, caution with mobile phone and microwave use, avoidance of mercury fillings and avoidance of root canal therapy, relying on natural medicines and not pharmaceutical drugs, getting plenty of sleep and rest as well as unstructured time. Taking a vacation regularly.

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The end result will be that your immune system will not only be considerably more capable of dealing with your yeast infection than by relying on dietary supplements and diet alone, this form of focused activity on your behalf will also keep your level of immunity at an all-time high, thereby reducing your risk of any future recurrence of many problems like food allergies, many different types of inflammatory disease, dysbiosis and leaky gut, bacterial and viral infections and a host of other immune-related health problems.

With a healthy HPA stress axis you will find that you will have lots more energy, improved sleep, better control of your cognition, including clarity of thoughts and memory, less chance of mood swings including anxiety and depression, quicker wound healing or recovery from any stressful events, being more productive, and having a state of wellness that is truly priceless. True health really is the greatest of all wealth, and you can’t buy this health with all the money in China.

All the money on the entire planet could not give you the state of wellbeing that a balanced stress axis could. A healthy and balanced stress mechanism may even save you from developing one of the big three, namely cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Most all books and articles I have read on yeast infections unfortunately don’t drive home the importance of connection between stress, immunity and a yeast infection, and that’s exactly what I’d like to explain to you right now.

If you can master but one thing when it comes to beating a yeast infection, master the ability to understand the relationship between your immune system and a yeast infection, but more particularly, the relationship between your adrenal glands and a yeast infection.

Did you know that about 90 percent of all visits to the doctor are stress related? Many of these visits are regarding conditions such as insomnia, headaches, digestive problems, I have routinely found in the clinic that the tendency is there for an immune weakness to be expressed in a highly individual manner, and it may be expressed with the patient’s inherited or familial weaknesses, for example if the patient has a family history of heart disease, arthritis or asthma, the individual weakness is much more likely to be expressed in these key areas. The weakest link for some genetically may be their heart, for others their lungs, and yet for others it could well be their joints.

Stress has the amazing ability to expose these weak links of the chain and bring them to the foreground. If the person is of a nervous or a sensitive type, the dysfunction, their individual signs and symptoms, may be expressed in the nervous system, digestive system or other system most susceptible to that person, especially when stress is factored into the equation.

After having specialized in stress for the past six years in my clinic and treated many patients who suffer from adrenal and thyroid issues, I would like to believe that I could give some good advice in this area. You will find that stress affects your immune system in several ways profoundly, and once you learn about the connection you will be in a better position to avoid the common pitfalls that so many succumb to.

There are many other reasons naturally for an immune dysfunction to be expressed in a person, for example with toxicity. The ability of your body to cope with or be affected by the toxic effects of any foreign matter such as heavy metals, chemicals, etc.; is dependent on your immune system’s ability to cope with that foreign material and is influenced by many factors.

3 Most Important Factors Affecting Your Immune System:

1 – Your Nutritional Status

In order to function optimally, your immune system is like any other system in your body. It needs adequate nutrition to operate at peak efficiency and must be supplied with a whole range of nutrients, particularly the vitamins C, D and E as well as the key immune minerals magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine, iron and sele­nium. A deficiency in any one or several of these important nutritional contingent factors can significantly increase your risk of a yeast infection. Poor nutritional status can come about from a deficiency due to a poor dietary intake or a poor ability of the digestive system to digest and absorb these vital nutrients.

2 – How Stress Affects You

Stress is one of the most universal underlying causes of many infections, in­cluding yeast infections. Whenever your body is exposed to any kind of stress, whether it is an emotional stress such as for example grief, anger, anxiety, or a physical stress such as an injury, toxicity or infection, many chemical changes occur in your body, which in turn may have a significant effect on your immune system.

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3 – Your Toxic and Allergenic Load

Your toxic and allergenic load is the total quantity of potentially toxic and aller­genic substances that have entered your body, and it is this load that your im­mune system has to deal with. There are different ways for your body to receive both toxic and allergenic materials and they can be absorbed and incorporated into your body in many different ways.

How does your own health compare?

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