Many people believe that a juice cleanse is the ultimate form of detoxification. I’ve seen plenty of clients who thought that drinking fruit juices all day long helps to eliminate Candida.
It doesn’t work that way. Your liver, kidneys, lungs and skin are all organs that detoxify. You’re always detoxifying to some degree. Our toxic burden increases when we smoke, we drink, we’re under high stress, or we live unhealthy lifestyles.
The problem with juice fasts is that you are drinking fluid that contains lots of sugars and no fiber. You are supplying the body with antioxidants and enzymes to help detoxify the body, but it’s not the juices doing the detoxification. It’s your organs.
You don’t need juices to supply antioxidants and digestive enzymes. You can get the same thing from whole foods and still get the fiber. In my opinion, it’s better to use a Vitamix or a blender to make the drinks. That way, you’ll be getting the fiber, not just the juice.
Related articles:
- Is Labored Breathing a Sign of Candida?
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- The Big Clean-Up is NOT Designed to Detoxify Your Body
- Recurring Ringworm: Can It Be Candida?
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If it’s cleansing you’re after, you need to eat the right food over the long-term. That is what will keep the colon clean and the liver clean. Avoid alcohol, avoid junk food, avoid any other toxins. Focus on eating a healthy diet, optimize the amount of antioxidants you eat, use apple cider vinegar, and don’t forget fermented and cultured foods. Live a low-stress life and drink fresh water, not pop or fiber-free juice.
The one time I can see a juice cleanse being helpful is as a prep for the Candida diet. You can read more on the topic in my Candida Crusher book. There are three different types of juices; beginners, intermediate, and advanced, which are more bitter. These juices are great adjuncts to the Candida diet because they allow you to cleanse more efficiently. Spirulina and barley grass are great additions to juices. Both are potent cleansing agents.
If you are going to have juices, don’t just have a glass of orange juice. I recommend beetroot and carrot combination. Another great combination is celery, Granny Smith apple, beetroot and carrot. This is a wonderful drink, but I always make sure I’m also getting lots of fiber. Even with these vegetable/fruit juice mixes, I don’t use them purely for detoxification. I have them for enjoyment. My daily healthy diet is what is doing the real “cleansing.”