My Recommendation For The Best Dietary Sources Of Antioxidants

I’m not sure if I put a best of list together, but I made some points here, and I’m just going to expand on these. So this is what I think are the best antioxidant foods that you can possibly eat. We eat all have these foods. In fact, we grow most of these foods too, and our garden. It’s incredible, if you can. We don’t grow fish, of course, but you get my point. So it is undeniable that there are foods that are good for you, and some foods are better, and some foods are best, and some are just top of the list. So I think these are some of the best foods you can eat, the top ones. Some of them cost, some of them don’t cost. Some are really cheap.

So it doesn’t always necessarily mean that you got to lay down lots and lots of money to get these kinds of foods into your diet. So I’ve looked at lots of different foods, but it’s interesting when you look at the three big groups here, the purple and red foods, the deep green foods, and also the orange and yellow foods. So the brightly colored ones often are very good. Berries and grapes, for example, especially blueberries and the purple grapes fall into that category. What about purple lettuce? Purple lettuce also contains very specific antioxidants in there that you’ll only find in purple or blue colored produce. So when you buy lettuce, see if you can buy the purple ones or the sort of bluey colored ones. Same with carrots, you can actually get purple carrots. So they tend to have just under the skin, the highest antioxidant level. So don’t peel carrots, just scrub them, because you’re going to get more goodness that way.

So yeah, dark chocolate of course, very, very high. But we’re talking one square per day. We’re not talking a family block per day. Okay? Dark chocolates are a very rich source of antioxidants, especially the high cocoa, if you can get a good 70, 80% cocoa one.

Avocados, of course, the deep green or green. Superb. We gave almost 200 avocados away to neighbors all around us, during the COVID, during the lockdown period. In New Zealand, we were locked down for, I think, for what six weeks, four weeks? And my tree was lathen with avocados, so of course, we couldn’t do anything with them, apart from eat them ourselves and hand them out to everyone around, which is a wonderful thing to do. Super, super healthy in 40% plant based fats, but again, lots of plant sterols in there, but also lots of minerals in there and antioxidants, in particular. So very good food to eat.

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Kale, one of the best you can eat. Though remember, don’t eat kale raw. You need to cook it, okay, to denature, specific things in it that could cause problems with thyroid. Many people still have raw kale in their smoothies, which is not a really fantastic idea to do. There was recently some sports star, I think, in the news that had far too much raw spinach drinks and ended up with kidney stones with oxalate problem. So you can’t drink raw spinach every day. It’s a dumb thing to do. Small amounts, steamed, you get no fiber in juices. You should eat the vegetable whole, not just squeeze everything out of it and keep drinking that. It’s too nutrient dense. All right?

Orange foods, sweet potato. We call them kumara in New Zealand. So you’ve got the dark purple-y colored one. And then you’ve got the goldie sort of orangy colored one. They’re both superb. Very high in fiber, very high in flavonoids again, but also vitamin A, beta carotene. Super food to eat is a sweet potato. You could live just on sweet potatoes alone, with a little bit of fish or some legumes, or it’s such a healthy one to eat.

Nuts, multiple nuts out there that you can eat, healthy ones. We grow, we got two almond trees in the yard, so we like eating fresh almonds. You’ve got no idea what fresh almond tastes like, compared to one of those dried out crappy things that you get from the shop. But yeah, nuts. Brazils and almonds, in particular, are my favorites. Plenty of minerals, plenty of flavonoids, excellent food to eat.

Fish, superb high antioxidants, again. Many different antioxidants in fish, many different fat soluble vitamins you’ll be hard pressed to getting another kind of foods. Anchovies, very nice. Sardines, excellent to eat.

What else can we talk about? Whole grains, very malaligned, but many, many different grains out there still that are good to eat. Remember moderation, quality and moderation is what you’re looking for.

So that’s my list on antioxidant foods, now which I think are great to have in your diet. Don’t forget to subscribe. You’ll get my 17-page Candida shopping list, and there’s lots of different antioxidant choices on that.