Parasite Cleanse Case Study

Let’s talk about a parasite cleanse case study. It’s quite an interesting one. There’s a 34 year old lady I saw last year. In fact, not that long before I retired. I first saw this patient, I’m pretty sure it would have been January, 2019. I worked with her for about six months and the result was fantastic, it was awesome result. Now this lady travels widely, she’s got a particular occupation. Well, travel is all gone now, isn’t it with COVID? But this woman flew all over the place taking photographs, so she’s quite a well known international photographer based here in New Zealand. She’s a gay lady, she’s a lovely lady, she’s got a really cool partner. And for a long, long, long time, she had a bowel problem, many years in fact. I think it was seven years all after the bowel was on and off problematic, which really caused her a lot of grief.

And it’s not unusual to pick up parasites when you go to Africa and you travel all around the world. Especially camping out in weird locations in the jungle, taking pictures of orangutans one minute and taking pictures of Donald Trump the next, or whatever she was doing. So of course, this lady went to her medical doctor several times, and generally she got antibiotics. That’s what they gave her every single time, antibiotics, antibiotics. Then she went to a naturopath and they gave her natural antibiotics. They were basically looking at bowel cleanses, liver flushes. She’s had colonics, she’s had meditation. She’s had everything you can name has been thrown at this woman, everything. Probably the only thing she didn’t get was a bowel removed, but she’s had every other kind of treatment. But one thing she didn’t get, which I found almost hard to believe she didn’t get a stool test, okay.

Well, she got one initially by the doctor that showed Blastocystis hominis in two samples and initially the doctor dismissed it, said, “Well, everyone’s got blasto now in New Zealand and Australia and lots of people have got it. We don’t worry about it.” And she said, “Well, I want to worry about it because I’m going to the toilet several times a day and I’ve got a bad bowel problem and I needed it fixed.” “Antibiotics, there you go. This is what we give everybody.” Okay. I’m sure sometimes these medical doctors have got a dartboard with different drugs on it and they just throw it, “Today, we’re going to give, let’s have a look, let’s give this one today.” I mean, it’s almost like that, isn’t it? I mean, if you’re in and out of the room in five minutes, I mean the dart board’s probably hanging up on the back of the door.

And before you knock on the door, they’ve already got the dart in the back of the door, they know what they’re going to give you. It doesn’t work like that. Sorry. So what happened to this lady? She came to see me, as I mentioned early in the year, and we did a stool test straight up. We found Blastocystis. We found it in all three samples, but we also found Candida, we found multiple issues with this person. So the first thing I did with her basically was make a slight diet change, okay. I told her to stop eating out completely, no coffees when you go out. I said, “From now on, you’re going to stay home. We want you to stay home for at least 12 to 16 weeks”, which she was prepared to do. And I slowly, slowly over that 12 to 16 week period, I changed the diet just a little bit and a little bit and a little bit.

And eventually I had her eating a lot more stuff like grated and raw carrots, grated and raw beetroot. So every day she’d have a little bit of that, just a small amount. We also looked a lot more at steamed vegetables. Spinach once or twice a week, broccoli generally every day, and just very lightly steamed and also a light protein, fish protein, which we’ve got abundance in the New Zealand, high quality cheap fish. So fish was basically what she was eating and vegetables. Not much else. She lost a bit of weight, but meanwhile, that bought me time to interpret the tests more, do more advanced stool testing and really understand the gravity of the problem.

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This woman had a serious parasite problem. So I started her on Canxida Remove, but when I put her on one tablet per day, she immediately, within two days, she got back to me, she said, “Bad headache, can’t tolerate it. I’m not doing this shit. I’m sick of it. I’ve had enough.” So I said, “Okay, let’s stop. Let’s stop the Canxida Remove and let’s just keep you on this diet for a while. Let’s add a tiny little bit of raw garlic into your diet”, which she couldn’t tolerate at all. Made her sick immediately so then we add a little bit of cooked garlic into the diet, but I also said to her, “I want you to get with your main meal one or two cloves, aromatic cloves. So put one clove into your meal.”

And again, slowly, we built that up until she could tolerate two to three cloves per day, then the garlic, then the raw garlic and then tiny bowel change at this stage, okay. So instead of going to the toilet five, six times a day, she was going now three times a day for bowel motions changes recurring. I remember this case well. I spent a lot of time, she’s a very interesting lady. And then I started to put the Canxida Remove tablet into this person’s diet. So we started first with a very, very tiny amount of Canxida Remove. Now when you’ve got a major parasite problem, and you immediately drop three or four Canxida Removes into your tummy, it can really cause a lot of pain, griping pain, all sorts of issues. So you can get a tablet cutter and cut the tablet into four or five, six, even 10 pieces, okay.

So we started with a sliver of Canxida Remove and then slowly, over a period of about a month, I built that up to one tablet per day. It took a long time before she could tolerate one tablet without instant nausea. And then once one tablet was established for several days in a week, we got to one and a half and eventually one, three times per day.

So we kept that going. And then I started putting Canxida Restore on top of that. And again, she had to open the capsule, sprinkle a bit on the food initially, and then eventually we can go up to three of those per day. So the Canxida formulations we kept going and going, and then we did a stool test. We withdrew the supplements for 10 days, did a stool test and it came back and it was incredible. We could see already a lot of changes occurring in the micro flora, okay. But she was feeling better in herself, not much bowel change, still three, four times a day, loose motions, still quite weak, had gained only a little bit of weight. So then I pushed things a lot further. I started to put sauerkraut into the diet but we started with a teaspoon per day.

This is a mistake a lot of people make with ferments or cultured foods. So they go straight away to a whole bowl twice a day or something. You can’t do that, okay. With a serious case, like in this, you have to start slowly and slowly build up and slowly build up, right? After the sauerkraut, I went in there, she liked sauerkraut so that was good. So we had a serve of that every day. And then we slowly introduced a bit of yogurt into the diet. Now this is from coming from a woman who is having three or four latte coffees every day with a couple of sugars in them. She was having a nice piece of cake with a coffee, with a girlfriend, with her partner in the morning, whatever. The diet was good, but there was too much crap in the diet.

I was stunned that the naturopaths didn’t do much about the diet, right? The doctors, well they didn’t care about the diet, did they? They’d probably tell you to drink a glass of wine when you take your antibiotics anyway. So at this stage she was improving, but she also had my attention because she’d been feeling better than she had in a long, long time, right?And that’s when she became far more compliant. And that’s when we sunk the boot in, okay? We did a total of three stool tests there by sinking the boot in, I mean, we pushed the Canxida Remove hard to six tablets a day of Canxida Remove. I pushed it really hard. And that’s when we got the breakthrough that we were looking for when we upped the dose, we’re doing two week intervals of up to six tablets per day.

And it was incredible. I got a very excited email off this lady saying that she couldn’t get over how one day she woke up and she passed a perfectly formed bowel motion. First time in six or seven years, it came out as one nice big motion. She was shocked. So, and of course I got all least photos, bowel motions and stuff. So at my inbox, sitting there with a nice espresso coffee and then a bowel motion pops up, but I’m used to that. Tracy, my partner, is used to seeing all sorts of bowel motions, don’t worry, it’s my job. But I was excited because I saw this firm bowel motion. I said, “Wow, look at this poo. It’s a good looking poo.” And I said, “We’re getting good work with this lady here. So a really nice, well formed stool, minimal pain, bloating and gas is a sign that bacteria are coming back, okay. You’re getting that bacterial balance back again.”

So what we did is we stopped the Canxida Remove, we waited 14 days. We started it again for another 14 days at a high dose and this time we got a bit of a regression, a setback, which is perfectly normal for somebody who’s been sick for a long time. So we did a few of these cycles on and off. Now when I give high dose Canxida Remove, I generally recommend anywhere between three to four Canxida Restore capsules per day as well. They can be taken in the morning or with meals, it’s up to you. So we did several cycles, okay. And then we stopped and then I let her go for four weeks. She came back to me and everything was hunky dory. Is that a saying people use still, hunky dory?

Everything was cool. Let’s say cool. So and a wonderful patient. And I got a really nice small gift she sent me and which I feel embarrassed that I don’t need gifts from people, but sometimes they send me flowers or stuff like that. But I was so happy for her because finally she had the health that she’d been looking for for many years. So remember guys, persistence breaks resistance. Sometimes you have to give high dosages, sometimes low. Sometimes you’ve got to tread carefully. If you’ve got a parasite problem, don’t give up, keep your foot on the head of the snake the whole time, okay. Sometimes you can back off, but don’t take your foot away and walk away because a snake will come back and bite you in the butt, right? You’re got to keep the pressure on now. You may not feel good. Then back off a little bit, then keep pressure, pressure. And eventually that persistence of yours will break the parasite resistance.