Prevention: Is It Possible To Prevent Food Sensitivities?

Hey, Eric Bakker. Thanks for coming back. Is it possible to prevent food sensitivities? It is. It is possible. In fact, I helped prevent foods sensitivities with many, many, probably thousands of people over the years by guiding them into the correct ways of eating and eating food and also trying to live around eating good food. In my son, for example, I helped to prevent a lifelong problem by really early on establishing the fact that his tummy couldn’t tolerate cow’s milk when he was about, I don’t know, under a year of age. It really helped him and we moved him away from that. His cough went away. He never went on antibiotics. He’s a strapping, strong, healthy 23 year old lad now. Anything can be prevented if there’s insight into the problem, right?

If you are eating a particular food and having a reaction to that food, especially if you’re not feeling well after you eat the food, regardless of whether it was an hour or a day, you need to identify that. Try and think what food was it that made you feel that way? Make sure you understand the connection between the meals and eating, and also the gut, and how it feels, and the flow on effect of the bowel motions. Once you’ve established that eating certain foods makes you feel a certain way, you’ll understand that you can always feel that way by eating those particular foods.

The difference between having some steamed broccoli and a small piece of chicken, for example, as a lunch, as opposed to having a greasy burger, a Coke, and fries. Now, if you put two people side by side and watched them eat that repetitively, look at how that person functions after their energy, their brain, but also go to the bathroom and see what comes out the following day. You’ll know exactly what I mean. All right? The quality of the food will dictate the type of reaction that you get. Okay. The healthy basic foods like spinach, eggs, broccoli will produce with healthy people a good outcome, but even if you get a healthy person and put them on a shitty, crappy diet, they’re not going to feel great. They’re certainly not going to feel fantastic the following day. It’s all about observation, understanding that concept.

Prevention comes about through doing the right thing consistently. It becomes eventually a habit and then that habit will form part of your life. Then the flow on effect is just improvement, improvement. It’s no difference between spending money and saving money. People who habitually save end up with something nice. People who habitually spend end up with nothing. All depends on those actions in that intermediate time and what you’re doing. By consistently making the right choices, you’ll find that’s how you’re going to prevent food problems.

Looking at how you are emotionally around food, the selection of foods, when you eat, the quantity of foods, the quality of foods, this is how you can prevent a lot of food problems even more so if you’ve got insight into medications and understand the concept that antibiotics is basically anti-life. Swallowing something that kills life every day is not really going to help you a lot in the long run, is it, any more than an Amex card with 30% interest is not going to help you in the long run. Same difference. Prevention is common sense and insight, something that I really would like to see a lot more in people these days. Thanks for tuning in. See you in the next video.