Should I Treat My Candida Infection With Metronidazole?

The question of whether metronidazole is effective against Candida infections comes up frequently.

Metronidazole is also known as Flagyl. Flagyl is an interesting antibiotic designed many years ago. Flagyl is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative anaerobic bacteria. Flagyl is also used to treat bacterial vaginosis.

Flagyl works against certain microorganisms. However, Flagyl has no effect on viruses or Candida.

Antibiotics are not effective against yeast. You are wasting your time if you’re taking Flagyl to treat Candida.

However, if you have a parasite, Flagyl can have an impact.

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I no longer use metronidazole. I was using it in very rare cases but have stopped recommending Flagyl. I saw a couple of people have very strong neurological side effects to Flagyl. I no longer think using that drug is worth the risk.

The side effect may only impact one in a few thousand people, but that one person can get debilitating long-lasting side effects.

It’s your decision whether you do, or do not, try a course of Flagyl. The typical side effects seen with Flagyl are stomach pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It’s also possible to get a “furry” or painful tongue, sore throat, headache, and vaginal discharge. There is a mile-long list of possible Flagyl side effects.

Of course, not everybody is going to get side effects from using this medication. If you do get any side effects, they can range from mild to severely debilitating. You could be anywhere on that spectrum.

I believe there are far more effective and natural ways of getting rid of infections than using metronidazole.
