Sugar Cravings And Candida

In this third part of my series on Candida indicators, the focus is on food cravings. When I see clients with a significant Candida problem, they will likely report food cravings. Cravings also occur with certain parasite infections and different problems with gut bacteria (dysbiosis). Both SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and issues with the bacteria in the colon can cause cravings.

There are many reasons why you might be craving sugar? You could have blood sugar dysregulation. If you have a higher body mass index, there could be a problem with satiety and hunger hormones (e.g., ghrelin). Hormonal dysregulation can certainly trigger food cravings. However, in my clinical opinion, the most common reason people crave sweet foods is that they have gut bacteria or gut yeast that want to be fed as well. I notice this in particular with patients who want that little bit of sweet after a meal, usually their evening meal. They have finished their meal and now find themselves craving chocolate, candy, ice cream, or something similar. Those cravings can also surface in response to the blood sugar low that can occur in the afternoon.

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If you find yourself regularly craving sugar, it’s worthwhile being checked for a Candida problem, particularly a Candida problem in your digestive system. I recommend having a stool test to see if Candida is detected. The stool test also reveals your beneficial bacteria counts and whether you have an overabundance of harmful bacteria in your gut. Having a stool test is even more critical if you crave sugar and have the issues identified in parts one and two of this series: a history of hospitalization and medication use (Part One) and symptoms originating from multiple bodily systems (Part Two).

Stay tuned for part four of this series, which looks at the digestive signs and symptoms that can indicate a Candida infection.
