Systemic Candida: Does It Lead To Fungal Infections Of The Nails?

Candida infections can be limited to the digestive system without any peripheral involvement. In situations like this, there is no vaginal infection, no jock itch, no toenail, no ear, and no scalp infections. The Candida is confined to the gut.

It’s also possible to have a peripheral Candida infection without any gut involvement, but that is unusual. Usually, when people have a fungal infection of the toenail, genitals, ears, armpit, or face, there is also an element of Candida in the gut. In some of these cases, Candida can be cultured from the stool. In many other cases, the culture is Candida negative, but there are dead yeast observed under a microscope.

Based on the thousands of stool tests I’ve done, I can say with confidence that there is a definite link between toenail fungus infections and Candida in the digestive system.

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Bloodborne Candida is relatively rare and is most common in people with immune system problems. This type of systemic Candida often requires a stay in the intensive care unit, and it’s often fatal. But, in most people, you don’t have Candida circulating through vital organs.

For commonly, Candida is a gut-related problem. Usually, Candida overgrowth occurs in the small intestine, although it can also colonize the large intestine.

If you’ve got toenail fungus, there’s a big chance that your diet or lifestyle is facilitating the toenail infection. Examine your habits. Are you a sugar-eater? Do you eat chocolate? Do you drink alcohol? If the answer is “yes” to any of those questions, you are also feeding the toenail fungus. I’ve seen toenail fungus disappear after clients stop drinking alcohol for at least six to 12 months. I’ve seen vaginal Candida clear up after sugar intake is cut back significantly. The take-home message is this: If you have issues with toenail fungus, address your unhealthy habits, and fix your gut. Other helpful steps include treating the toenail with tea tree oil and adding CanXida Remove to your daily routine.
