Tag Archives: sifo

CanXida for SIBO and SIFO

Dietary supplements can help manage small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). But, what if you also have small bowel fungal overgrowth (SIFO)? Or you’ve got a parasite there as well?

Many people I’ve seen in my clinic over the years don’t just suffer from one particular GI problem; they suffer from multiple GI problems.

Often, they will have lack of sufficient hydrochloric acid in the stomach, they’ll have some type of pancreatic disfunction, SIBO, they’ll have bacterial overgrowth in the large bowel, and they’ll have a yeast infection,
either in the small and large or both.

CanXida Remove is a supplement that I formulated several years ago now, primarily to clean up the digestive system.

In my clinical experience, people often have multiple species of undesirable bacteria in their gut.

When I say undesirable, these are bacteria that occur in your gut by default, but they’ve become undesirable because their populations have increased.

Why have they increased? They’ve grown because of an imbalance often precipitated by medication, such as antibiotics or stomach acid blockers.

If you’re taking a drug recurringly for a GI problem, there’s a chance that you could develop SIBO as a result.

There are eleven different ingredients in CanXida Remove. It’s an amazing product for SIBO that reduces the symptoms.

CanXida Remove contains antifungals, antiparasitics, and antibacterials. One of the most potent ingredients in CanXida Remove is standardized grapefruit seed extract (GSE). The GSE that I selected for CanXida Remove has a very high flavonoid content. The GSE is powerful but not overpowering.

Garlic and oregano are also included in CanXida Remove. The oregano is a standardized oregano extract with a high carvacrol content. The standardized garlic has a high allicin content.

CanXida Remove addresses bacteria like Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Pseudomonas, and many other species.

I generally recommend taking two to three tablets of Remove per day.
If you have very severe SIBO, you may be better off starting with just one tablet per day. You can slowly build up to two or three tablets per day. If you get any side effects from CanXida Remove, cut the dose back.

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We have seen a significant reduction in SIBO bacteria as a result of using CanXida Remove.

It’s important that you also eat right when trying to get rid of SIBO. Eat a clean, healthy diet such as the MEVY (meat, eggs, vegetables, and yogurt diet).

Also, pay attention to your lifestyle. I consider stress and lifestyle as major factors in SIBO.

Once you have your lifestyle and diet on track, all you need is a supplement that is going to clean up the gut. That supplement can certainly be CanXida Remove.

CanXida Remove works better if you take CanXida Restore as well.

Restore was designed for people with poor digestive health. It was developed for people with gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort, constipation, and diarrhea.

Restore contains several different special digestive enzymes which assist the stomach overcome that problem of that low stomach acidity.

One of the big problems caued by SIBO is lack of fat-soluble vitamins: vitamins A, D, E, and K. SIBO can also interfere with calcium, magnesium, B12, and iron absorption.

If your blood tests show that you are deficient in vitamins or minerals, heck out CanXida Rebuild. Rebuild was the last product I designed.

CanXida Rebuild contains the nutrients your body may be lacking due to SIBO.

But, even before you start taking CanXida products for a gut problem, get a baseline comprehensive stool analysis. Make sure you are off al supplements for several days before having a stool test.

Repeat the stool test, two to three months after you have corrected your diet, improved your lifestyle, and started the CanXida products.
