What are the benefits of digestive enzymes for leaky gut? There are massive benefits. So if you have got leaky gut, which many people have, the digestive enzymes are going to fill a really good spot when it comes to that kind of problem. They’re going to facilitate the proper breakdown of food. Okay? Some people believe if you take digestive enzymes, it stops the body producing its own. It doesn’t do that. It assists the body. But what the digestive enzymes will do is make sure that the fats, carbs, and proteins get properly broken down to very tiny little micro components, which are much more easy to digest and absorb. All right?
Many people with leaky gut don’t have sufficient digestive enzymes, therefore they don’t break food down to very tiny components. Okay? For example, sugars may not be busted right down to small bonds, they could still be long chains or links, which allow bacteria to thrive and feed on. All right?
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And also, these links or bonds are too big to pass through cells so they basically get passed out through the bowel, so you’re not really absorbing everything you need. And it’s the same with fat. And it’s the same with amino acids, when it comes to the breakdown of proteins, you need to have very small amino acid breakdown facilitated by healthy digestive enzyme production, which many people lack. So just to get you started, enzymes suit that purpose.
To me, it’s a little bit like you get in your car in the morning and you put the key in… And then you’ve got to get on the phone and ring up the guy and get him out there with a jump jumpstart or kind of thing. So the jump starter are the digestive enzymes, right? That’s how I see it. So when your car battery is flat and you put it on charge and the next morning it starts right away. So enzymes will kickstart that digestive process. All right? And they really form a good part of the protocol to get that leaky gut fixed up. All right? And probiotics and enzymes work excellent together in that respect. So think about a formula that contains the enzyme and probiotic together, that’s going to work well for you.