The Candida Cleanse As A Cause Of Kidney Pain

One of the possible side effects of a Candida cleanse is kidney pain. The kidney and the liver are the primary filtration organs. These are organs that cleanse the blood. The kidney and adrenal glands also have built-in detoxification mechanisms.

When the kidney plays up, what does it tell you? It tells you that there’s something wrong with the blood. There’s something wrong with the fluid balance in the body. There’s something wrong with what the person’s eating. The person is not drinking enough water.

In the book Candida Crusher, I wrote a section on kidney cleansing. Kidney detoxification is simple to do. A big step in the right direction for stopping kidney pain is to cut back on coffee, tea, chocolate, soda drinks, and any unhealthy things you are eating or drinking. It’s also crucial to drink plenty of filtered water. If you follow these two suggestions, you’ll be surprised at how quickly back pain disappears. Drinking an extra three or four glass of water per day can make a phenomenal difference to your health.

Further Reading

Kidney pain can occur with any detox or cleanse, not just a Candida cleanse. It can occur with a bowel cleanse. It can occur with a liver or gallbladder flush. It can also happen with fasting. Kidney pain is particularly likely if you’re removing deposits of heavy metals through the kidney. The kidneys often hold lots of toxins in them, so when you clean the body up, those toxins are getting released.

By eating the right food, drinking plenty of water, and regularly cleansing, you’ll keep the kidneys in great shape. If you want to measure your kidney function, you can ask your doctor for creatine clearance and glomerular filtration rate tests. Those tests will give you some idea of the health of your kidneys.
