Can I have erythritol on the Candida diet?”
You can if you like fake stuff. Erythritol is a fake sugar.
I’m not really into fake things. I like real food.
When you’re looking at different kinds of sugars like erythritol, xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, all those kinds of things are manmade fake sugars.
A lot of people like erythritol like because erythritol is a lot less sweet than sugar. I think it’s about 60 to 70 percent as sweet as raw cane sugar, and it doesn’t get absorbed so much in the body.
Erythritol gets passed out through the urine. Probably a good 80 to 90 percent of it in the small intestine gets absorbed into the bloodstream and then excreted out through the urine.
Only a small percentage of erythritol will go down to the colon. This small percentage is still significant for people with irritable bowel syndrome. My recommendation is that if you have a gut issue, don’t eat erythritol.
Erythritol can also give you a feeling that you haven’t had quite enough sugar to eat because it won’t induce an insulin response.
When you eat sugar, your blood sugar goes up, insulin is produced, and your blood sugar goes down.
When you have erythritol, it doesn’t induce a glycemic response because it’s low on the glycemic index.
You can have it, and it’s sweet, and then you want more, and then you want more, and then you want more.
And often, it’s the junk that you eat associated with these fake sugars that causes the problem because you can’t stop eating!
And we all know what happens to people who can’t stop eating.
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They end up getting sick and fat and tired and end up in chronic health.
Do yourself a favor and try not to become a person who thinks that fake sugars are better than eating things like white sugar or molasses or syrups like that.
In general, I don’t recommend including fake foods in your diet.
While it is true that many people with Candida can tolerate xylitol and mannitol and sorbitol and erythritol, many people can’t.
If developing excellent digestive health, avoid erythritol and any other fake foods. That’s one of the reasons you won’t see me eating chewing gum or eating a lot of supermarket food.
It’s estimated that up to 60 to 70 percent of foods now in the supermarket contain these fake sugars.
Don’t even get me started on the high fructose corn syrup.
Don’t touch that stuff at all.
A lot of foods contain high fructose corn syrup.
Those sorts of sugars mess with your hormones.
I kicked sugar out of my life years ago, and now I prefer bitter and sour foods.
I prefer more natural flavors. When you become a person who likes natural things, you tend to get away from fake things.