The Connection Between Digestive Enzymes And Body Weight

Various scientific studies have demonstrated a connection between digestive enzyme problems and weight gain. Sometimes the issue is weight loss, but generally, the issue is weight gain.

If you’re trying to lose weight, an essential first step is making sure your gut is functioning very well. In particular, excellent stomach and pancreatic function can facilitate weight loss. For example, you want the pancreas to secrete ample amounts of lipase to ensure that dietary fat is broken some properly. You don’t want to be absorbing and storing too much fat. The same is true for carbohydrates because they can be turned into fat as well.

When you’ve got proper levels of digestive enzymes, you’ve usually got good energy levels. Having amply energy allows you to be more active and to maintain a balanced metabolic rate. You’ll have the energy to get out of the chair and start moving.

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Inactivity leads to weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, and several other symptoms. As you get bigger, you’ll get even more tired, and blood sugar dysregulation can onset. Thyroid and adrenal dysfunction can also surface. When these hormones are out of whack, leptin, ghrelin, and other hormones involved in hunger and appetite control become dysregulated.

In my experience, having proper digestive enzyme levels translates into good weight control. Remember, there is a strong link between healthy enzyme levels, GI tract health, and the ability to maintain a healthy metabolic rate. The end result is a balanced weight.

If you’re struggling with a weight that is too high, checking out your digestive enzyme levels might be a good idea.
