Treating SIBO With Colloidal Silver: What You Need To Know

Have you heard of colloidal silver?

Hopefully, you haven’t been scared off by Google. There is a guy called Blue Man who developed argyria, blue skin, by drinking homemade colloidal silver in very high concentrations.That is not what I’m recommending! You’re not going to be drinking a gallon of homemade high concentration colloidal silver every day to treat SIBO.

There are many different brands of colloidal silver available. You can get anywhere from five to twenty parts per millions. Usually, ten to fifteen parts per million is more than adequate. Firstly, no matter what gut condition you’re treating, do not take colloidal silver on a long-term basis. Period.

Colloidal silver should only be used in short bursts, not for months at a time.

Secondly, I highly recommend that you don’t take colloidal silver until you have a sensitivity report that confirms it will be effective against the pathogens in your gut. A stool test is better than a breath test for that purpose.

Further readings:

Some will argue that a stool test doesn’t give you a measure of small intestinal bacteria. There’s merit to that statement as the stool test focuses on the contents of the colon. Still, in my experience, I’ve had far better outcomes using a comprehensive stool analysis to guide my SIBO treatment than when I used breath tests.

Colloidal silver often comes up high on susceptibility panels from my SIBO clients. I usually use the silver for between three to six weeks, and then I’ll give the patient a break for fourteen days. Then, we might do another three to six weeks of colloidal silver treatment. However, colloidal silver is not the primary agent I use for SIBO. I think antimicrobials like standardize garlic, standardized oregano, and grapefruit seed extract work even better than colloidal silver for SIBO.

In my experience, 10 to 15 ppm of colloidal silver is more than enough. I particularly love the colloidal silver from Silver Biotics, a company out of Utah.

Colloidal silver can be used orally. I know some people who brush their gums with a toothbrush dipped in a dilute colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is good for the oral cavity and the entire GI tract. It also has some value when treating Helicobacter pylori. For H. pylori, you can take 30 mills twice a day on an empty stomach. I’d also combine it with aloe vera when treating H. pylori.

Again, let me reiterate, don’t take colloidal silver for any longer than three to six weeks at a time. Stop for at least fourteen days between courses. You don’t want to get any complications from using too much colloidal silver.
