Treating Ulcerative Colitis With A Candida Cleanse

I think the Candida cleanse is an excellent idea for somebody who has ulcerative colitis (UC). Just like it is for somebody with irritable bowel syndrome.

UC is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn’s disease is another form of IBD. Ulcerative colitis is a little bit different from Crohn’s disease in that Crohn’s is more damaging. Crohn’s disease affects deeper layers of the gut mucosa compared to UC. It’s a nasty disease. I like to use the analogy of meeting people. You’ll meet some really nice people. You’ll meet some people that are not so nice, and you’ll meet some bad people. Then, occasionally you’ll meet a horrible, nasty person. That’s Crohn’s disease.

UC is definitely controllable. I’ve worked with several hundred UC patients over the years, and I’ve had excellent outcomes in most cases. Colitis responds well to the Candida cleanse because of the diet change. We’re taking all the crap out the diet. We’re cleaning the diet right up. We’re going to clean up the microbial component of the gut, which is very important with ulcerative colitis.

Further readings:

The smartest thing you can do if you have colitis is to get a comprehensive stool analysis done. Not by your GP, but by your functional medicine doctor. Three samples from three separate days to determine exactly what’s going on with the gut. In most cases, UC patients have a very messed up gut that needs rebalancing. Often the stool test shows Candida. Usually, it shows parasites and inflammation. We inevitability find problems in the gut that need rectifying.

Once you’ve determined what’s in your gut, the Candida cleanse can be tailored to suit your UC. You can get a great outcome with colitis by testing, analyzing, treating, re-testing, and fine-tuning the Candida Crusher program to suit yourself.

A good functional medicine doctor can help you to get an incredibly good result with colitis. You’re going to be living with this bowel for another 20, 30, 40, 50 years. It’s your bowel. It’s your decision. It’s your life. If you want to get a good outcome with colitis, think about taking a natural treatment approach. Based on my years of experience, that’s going to give you the best possible outcome.
