Use THIS Instead Of Athletes Foot Creme

Let’s talk about athlete’s foot. Let’s talk about toenail fungus, different creams that people use. Many people claim to have incredibly good success with all sorts of medical creams when it comes to personal-use problems, but particularly peripheral ones like hands and feet. Some of the worst cases I’ve ever seen involved all of the 10 digits, more of the toes and also several of the fingers with bad fungal infection. So when you get to that stage, you’ve got a quite a major Candida problem. You really need to treat the beast systemically. So just working topically is not really going to cut the mustard. You need to work on a deep level. Now, if we look at athlete’s feet, obviously the word athlete denotes wearing long socks and shoes and things like that.

So, common sense would prevail here. If you’ve got a problem with your feet and you’re wearing shoes constantly, what do you think you should do, wear your shoes to bed? Wear them in the shower? I think you should take them off. And particularly if you’ve got itchiness anywhere on the lower limb, you really need to have those socks and shoes off ASAP after sport. Bathe them in seawater is a good thing to do, but check out my playlists. Yeah, I’m sure there is a playlist I’ve created on foot fungus and toenail problems and you’ll find lots of tips and hints in that section. But Australian tea tree oil is just the king when it comes to the feet.

I just had a look at some medical research on tea tree oil where they found disappointing results. They said it didn’t cure any toenail problems that people would find it that they’re better off going into the medical creams, terbinafine and all these different types of drugs created. But what they don’t realize is lots of research is also being conducted with the efficacy of Australian tea tree oil in comparison with Lamisil and all these other medications. Tea tree oil consistently comes out on top with so many studies, but you’ll never really hear about that, of course, because everything’s pushed pharmaceutically today. We’ve got a president who’s actually pushing hydroxychloroquine and antibiotics onto a U.S. public in the middle of a viral pandemic. When we got a leader talking about antibiotics for viruses, we start to really see how stuffed up the system really is, don’t we? It’s just a completely broken down system.

But anyway, getting off track here. I’d like you to try the Australian tea tree oil. Melaleuca alternifolia is the botanical name for this plant. It’s endemic to Australia. It loves to grow there, particularly in new South Wales in the Southern region, the [Belgoan 00:02:47] swamps apparently is where some of the best oil in the world comes from. And the best company is called Thursday Plantation. Thursday because the guy who started the company started on a Thursday so he called it Thursday Plantation. But I could tell you folks out there you will not get a finer tea tree oil. There are many other companies that produce tea tree oil but nobody creates anything like the Australian tea tree oil, which has been used for the Aborigines going back, likely, thousands of years. It was a standard medicine. When the First World War soldiers went to war, the Australian government supplied them with a bottle of tea tree oil for shotgun wounds, for powder blasts, and for all sorts of things.

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So it was known to be super effective and it still is today. It’s something I always recommend people to take with them when they go traveling, is to take a one ounce bottle or, better still, two ounce because you’ll be treating a lot of people around you for bruises, cuts, bumps, bites, stings, burns, any of that kind of stuff. So yeah, this is not a promotion for the company, but I’ve used their product now for probably 40 years, 30. Since 1976, it came out. I discovered it when I was 16 back then. So what’s that? Yeah, probably about 40 years I’ve used it and I cannot recommend it enough, especially for hands and feet.

So this is the product to use. When you get a pair of sports shoes, if you’re an athlete, you put two drops of tea tree oil down. You hold the shoe up. I haven’t got a shoe here. Let’s say that this air conditioning controller’s my shoe. So I’ll hold the shoe like that and I’ve got that little thing I’ll pull back and I’ll just put two drops down here in the toe area. And then I’ll leave that shoe somewhere, just to air out. You do that once per week.

Now when you consistently do that, don’t worry, your shoes aren’t going to fall apart or rot. But you will create that environment in the shoe that’s very hostile towards various Trichophyton spores. Now Trchophyton is the yeast that loves to live in and around the toenail, for example, but it does not like tea tree oil. It loathes tea tree oil. So if you regularly put a couple of drops here or there in the shoe, if you go to bed at night after your shower, one or two drops and massage it into the feet. It might take a while, but that’s the end of it. It’s done. But remember, it’s also about the environment of the foot. It’s not just about treatment, it’s about prevention. I’ll leave you with that.