I’ve been asked countless times if I think it is beneficial to take probiotics at the same time as taking a course of antibiotics. That’s like giving fertilizer to a plant while you’re spraying the plant with glyphosate (RoundUp). It doesn’t make sense to do things it that order. It’s just not logical.
Medical doctors seem to think it does make sense to combine probiotics with antibiotics. I read on a very well-know medical website that it is beneficial to take probiotics two hours after your antibiotics dose. Well, that doesn’t make sense. Many studies show that that approach doesn’t work. Some studies support using probiotics at the same time as antibiotics, but common sense says it’s nonsensical.
In my opinion, you should wait for a few days after you’ve completed a course of antibiotics to start taking probiotics. Let your gut settle down a bit before adding probiotics to the mix.
Even better, start with a little bit of sour, unsweetened Greek yogurt. Don’t go putting a lot of kefir, sauerkraut, or bone broth into your diet too quickly. Taking an antibiotic causes a massive amount of disarray in the gut. It’s not only harmful bacteria that have been killed off – so have beneficial bacteria. You’re pushing bacteria like Prevotella, Firmicutes, and Bacteroides into different quadrants. It’s a little bit like you get a whole gang of new guys coming into town and they’re punching everybody up, they’re shooting people. Everybody starts taking different types of territories. You can’t just walk in there like the good sheriff and fix everything overnight.
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Eating a healthy diet after antibiotics is a very smart idea. Eating well allow the three main groups of bacteria to come back into their own again. Check out two of my videos on prebiotic foods if you need some dietary guidance.
After you’ve completed your antibiotics, eat well, and sleep well. Food is your medicine at this point. The priority is to get your eating right after you’ve finished your antibiotic prescription.
Once you’ve had a few days to settle back into a healthy routine, you can consider taking a probiotic. My suggestion is that you take a probiotic supplement that also includes digestive enzymes. CanXida Restore fits the bill. Using a combination supplement will restore the gut a lot faster than taking probiotic on their own.