Using The Candida Diet For The Whole Family

“Should my family go on a Candida diet if I’m on the diet?”

Let’s just say that your wife or your partner, your husband or a boyfriend or your girlfriend or a something kind of friend and you’re in a relationship, or you’ve got family, and you’ve discovered that you got problems with Candida.

Is it appropriate for a family to go on that kind of approach?

Well, I think in many cases, it is.

It also depends on who’s the primary cook or who’s taking care of the food.

If you’re in a house, I hope that you guys work as a team, too, because it tends to be easy that way.

If you have got health issues, I always encourage you to make positive changes in what you’re Don’t make them very rapidly with yourself, particularly with the family, is you need to make change very slowly and surely.

Make changes slowly. Let’s just say, for example, that you’ve felt that you’re carrying a bit of weight, and you want to make some positive changes for other people that maybe are unwell or have gut issues or weight issues. One good thing you can do, for example, would be to cut down the amount of bread the family’s eating.

Slowly introduce, for example, some lentils or some beans in with some salads and very slowly, gradually make these changes.

Slowly move away from takeaway food, for example, if you’re eating takeaway once a week, kick it to once every fortnight.

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Remember, when you control the knife and the kitchen sink and the stove, you can ultimately control the family’s destiny in terms of health.

Make the right choices with vegetables and lean meats, and eating proper meals at regular times of the day.

It’s not hard for the whole family to go on an anti-Candida diet approach.

It’s very simple. It’s simpler if you eat well from the start.

But if you don’t eat well, make slow positive changes over say a three to six-month period and eventually, you’re eating very, very well.

It also depends on the age of the children and the family at home. If you’ve got younger children, it’s easy to make change quickly. If you’ve got teenagers and they’ve been eating pizzas three times a week, it’s a lot harder to make changes.

I think the whole family can go on the anti-Candida diet. You can cut out a lot of the sweet fruits, especially if you’re buying all these fruit and vegetables and groceries.

Make the right choices with beverages. Don’t buy soda drinks.

Just get maybe pure water and dilute fruit juices in there or slices of lemon, herbal teas, green teas.

Don’t buy alcohol or minimal alcohol, and the family won’t be drinking lots of alcohol. It’s a lot easier to do that than when they get a bit older.
