Vaginal Thrush: How CanXida Restore Can Help

Vaginal thrush is quite common with many women that I’ve seen over the years as patients. Many women, at some stage in their life, will experience vaginal thrush. It can be quite embarrassing. There can be itching. There can be discharge.

It’s not uncommon for many women to experience this worse before their period and in different parts of their life cycle.

When they’re starting to menstruate, when they’re younger, or around about the time they have children. Various times depending on the estrogen levels.

It can be a big problem for people.

Remember that the vaginal area and the anal area are very close together. It’s very easy to transfer bacteria.

Candida in the gut is much more easily controlled and worked on than severe chronic vaginal thrush.

If you’re got a partner, and you’re intimate with a partner, you need to be careful of vaginal thrush.

Probiotics play a wonderful role in treating vaginal thrush. Because once you get the gut in really great shape, it’s much easier to transfer healthy

flora from one area to the other without the risk of moving yeast from one location to another.

People with healthy small intestine function, in my opinion, have got a much healthier vaginal area as well.

The small bowel is where digestion and absorption occur.

Healthy small intestine leads to overall excellent health, including female reproductive health.

Further readings:

A healthy gut also means less chance of leaky gut and contaminating the blood with crap from the diet. That’s going to mean you’re going to get less risk of food allergies and immune-stimulating issues as a result of impaired gut function.

Great gut, great health.

Great health, great reproductive health.

Common sense.

Lactobacillus is sometimes used by some women. They put it on tampons, and they insert that. It can be effective, but I don’t think it’s as effective as taking lactobacillus orally.

The best probiotics, in my opinion, are the most researched strains;

Lactobacillus rhamnosus, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus casei, bifida bacterium, and bifida longum. I also like lactobacillus acidophilus DDS1, which is one of my favorite strains.

Department of Dairy Science 1. One of the most researched of all lactobacilli. Over 25 years of research. About 100 scientific papers published and possibly the only lactobacillus based on a human strain of lactobacillus.

This is precisely why I put all of those probiotics into my formula CanXida Restore.

I also think it’s important that if you’re going to take a probiotic, it’s in a special capsule that can bypass the stomach.

Many probiotics get killed in the stomach because the pH is too low, so they don’t even survive the bypass. Most powders, waste of time.

Probiotic drinks, waste of time. Many people think that these foods actually get through there, but in many cases, they don’t.

Particularly with people like me with a very powerful functioning stomach that digests food very quickly.

For that reason, I like putting probiotics in a special capsule that’s bile and acid-resistant.

If you’re currently not taking a probiotic that is bile and acid resistant, a capsule, and you’ve got the correct scientific and validated strains, you’re probably pouring money down the sink.

Check out CanXida Restore for that reason.

My experience is that when women have vaginal thrush, and they eat the right foods, have the correct lifestyle, do an effective feminine hygiene protocol, and take a good probiotic like CanXida Restore, the outcome is very, very good.
