Visual Look at Yeast Infection

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Yeast Infection Infographicf
Yeast Infection Infographic – A Visual Look at Candida

Candida is a microscopically small fungal organism. The most common species is candida albicans which is found naturally in the digestive tract and vagina. In a healthy person, the level of candida albicans is kept in balance by a healthy level of friendly bacterial flora which consists predominantly of lacto and bifido bacteria.

Our intestinal flora can be easily disturbed by the use of antibiotics, drugs in general and a poor diet including too much sugar and alcohol. Once an imbalance of our bowel flora occurs, a candida yeast infection can increase and candidiasis of the digestive tract can develop. A commonly overlooked cause of a candida infection today is severe or prolonged emotional stress.

Candida yeast infections are not only common in the digestive tract, they can easily spread to other parts of the body and in women they readily causing vaginal thrush. Vaginal thrush may cause intense vaginal burning and incessant itching which is often worse during urination or intercourse. The discharge tends to be odorless and may produce a cheesy white or yellow vaginal discharge.

Men and women are equally affected with athlete’s foot or toenail fungal caused by a yeast infection. A yeast infection may also affect the mouth where it can form painful white tender lesions which may bleed easily and even cover the tongue. In mild cases, an oral yeast infection may just result in cracks in the corners of the mouth. Candida albicans can also be the cause bad breath, and in babies it commonly referred to as diaper rash.

Candida yeast infection related problems have become epidemic in recent decades. Yeast infections are best known for the annoying vaginal itch but this is only one manifestation of the countless signs and symptoms which candida can produce. Many serious diseases have been linked to yeast infections once it bypasses the digestive system and invades the blood stream.

It is common for a person not to even realize that his or health problem is linked to a yeast infection in addition to other opportunistic microbes or parasites. Anxiety, depression, hyperactivity and attention deficit syndromes, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis, numerous allergies, arthritis as well as chronic fatigue syndrome are all linked to candida yeast infections and others microbes.

Fortunately, we have very effective natural treatment programs which will enable you to quickly and permanently overcome a yeast infection as well as other disease causing microbes and parasites. The Candida Crusher program has a powerful and broad range anti-microbial effect and has been proven over more than twenty years involving many thousands of patients.

7 thoughts on “Visual Look at Yeast Infection”

  1. This was different from what I was searching for. I was interested in the yeast infections that occur in people who have a compromised immune system.

  2. Natural Remedies for Male Yeast Infection?My b/f and I have been playing this fun game of pass the yeast ictfneion I’ve been doing the over the counter treatment and he’s been doing a similar regiem of putting Monistat (which we lovingly call Manistat) on the head of his penis etc. I recently read about a natural remedy for curing a female yeast ictfneion which was inserting Garlic into the Vagina, worked magically as disgusting as it sounds and is cheaper than spending the 17 bucks on Monistat. He is uncircumsized (love it) and the cleanest man I’ve ever met. Soaking his member in vinigar and putting Monistat on it seems to clear up the ictfneion, but after a month we seem to be back at square one with me running to the pharmacy and both of us sitting with an uncomfortable burn! I’ve heard there is an oral medication to cure this issue, but due to some sort of heart condition B/F can’t take it any natural remedies I haven’t tried yet?? I mean the Garlic works amazing for me, but I can’t imagine where he’d shove it LoL! We try to be as clean as possible as we have sex on average about 4 times EVERY night so pre-bed showers always come into play. We are oober clean, I don’t douch I only use a mild lady bits soap on the outer parts of the vagina. I do use birth control which I’ve heard can cause Yeast issues. Any sugestions are welcome!!

  3. As a holistic Pediatrician for 25 years I’ve been very interested in addressing how our over-use of antibiotics has unbalanced our bodies natural immune systems. An adult relative of mine in his 80s has had over a decade of problem with copious tenacious mucous in the mouth. Salivary gland biopsy and tests have all but ruled out Sjogrens, but the abnormal sputum/mucous problem persists causing him to not go out in public due to the volume and difficulty swallowing or spitting it out. A recent series of sputum and stool tests showed 1+ Candida in the stool and low levels of enzymes with high anti-enzyme antibodies. I am looking to assist his providers in attacking this horrible condition. Should we be treating him for thrush with swabs or pill even though he doesn’t have the usual white plaque growths on the tongue. Ever come across a patient with sputum issues where Candida was the culprit?

    1. Hi George,

      Antibiotics will one day be seen to be as bad as asbestos, nicotine and a host of other poisons. They are a scourge and have destroyed countless lives. Whilst they are necessary in the most extreme of cases, they are given like candy and entirely abused in medical practice.

      I would recommend you treat for Candida for sure. Do a CDSA x 3 (comp. stool test) and this will tell you plenty, read my posts on on stool testing and Candida. You will also find an article I wrote on mucus/sputum/Candida connection in my book Candida Crusher. Many folks with Candida (including myself) certainly know all about this connection. Once the yeast infection is under control, the mucus reduces at a noticeable rate. The sputum/water test on rising is a great indication, it has been falsely slammed as “fake” by ignorant folks not in the know, but I’ve seen countless patients produce clear sputum that floats on top of a glass of water after they cleared their Candida. No strings hanging below the sputum, no specks in the water. Be sure to read my “home tests” for Candida.

  4. I’ve been seriously ill for eight years and nobody can figure it out? I have that discharge in my vagina I will attest to the problems now it’s in my lungs my mouth my tongue my throat try to close up? They just cut a bunch of stuff out of my throat and my tongue and my throat was so swollen it closed around the breathing tube and they had to induce coma for two days to get it out? So much Malpractice and nobody cares to try to figure out what this is? I am so ill? I have a bed immune system I had cancer? I have all the sores on my face?Could you please direct me where I can find out information to see if this is possibly something having to do with that?

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