What are the Gender Differences Related to Candida?

I was once told by a doctor that I couldn’t have a problem with Candida because I didn’t have a vagina. What a dumb thing to say! Candida and other yeasts can cause infections in both men and women. When it comes to Candida infections, it seems to affect women and men equally. Anyone can get an overgrowth of Candida. For approximately 25% of people, Candida naturally occurs in their digestive system. Some of this 25% end up with overgrowth of the yeast – a phenomenon that afflicts men and women in equal numbers.

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The site of yeast infections can vary based on gender. Some men suffer from “jock itch” which is caused by a non-Candidal yeast. The female equivalent would be vaginal yeast infections. Both men and women can get yeast infection in the folds of their skin if they are significantly overweight.
