Eric Bakker, the naturopath from New Zealand. We’re going to talk about soaps, especially probiotic soaps. So there’s a big trend now towards probiotics. If you have a look, you can get probiotic everything. I’m surprised I haven’t got probiotics spectacles or probiotic shoes yet. I mean everything else is probiotic, isn’t it? Foods and drinks and all kinds of stuff, so people always jump on the bandwagon. But what about probiotic soap? Well, it’s more important what’s in your body if you want to influence the bacteria of the microbiome in particular than what’s outside of the body. You can use neutral soaps. There’s goats milk soap, and your pH neutral soaps you can use. There are a lot of handmade soaps, quite nice ones out there. There’s a big trend I think moving away from bar soaps more into sort of body washes for younger people. But yeah, one of my favorite soaps for candida would be the Thursday Plantation tea tree oil soap.
So that’s a good one. Thursday as in Thursday, Friday. Thursday Plantation. So just google it. The tea tree oil soap. It’s really good, particularly for private areas of the body, but even just for the scalp. I’ve often recommended it for psoriasis patients, people with eczema, dermatitis, all sorts of skin conditions, but also serious jock itch and vaginal problems. But it’s nice to create a whole film over the whole body that is antifungal. Okay? So this is not probiotic in general. There is a company called Mother Earth. I found out when I was in Anaheim a few years ago at the expo and I was very impressed with their range of products. Mother Earth, as in mother and father, Earth as in the planet. So I’ll just google it for you now while I’m talking, but I’m pretty sure it’s Mother Earth. Mother Earth products. Let’s have look.
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Yep, Mother Earth. So check that company out. They make some pretty … No, hang on. That’s the food bar people. But anyway, there is a company out there that make these products, shampoo conditioners and soaps and things like that that actually contain bacteria for the skin. There are many companies that are making these products now. So with a little bit of time online, if you’ve spent some time on Google, you’ll find a company like that. So yeah, remember the skin is your biggest organ. It’s a big barrier towards what’s on the inside. By not using harsh and powerful chemicals, you’re not really going to wreck that micro-biome, all that external bacterial membrane that we’ve got.
It’s interesting when I talked to this chap in the States with this company regarding the personal care products he’s making, he said his CEO hadn’t had a bath for a long time, for literally several months, or it could have been a year and just, I think, just used plain water without any personal care product. He said he was actually the cleanest smelling guy in the whole office compared to other people. So when we use chemicals on our body, we do destroy the natural flora. I had a Swiss friend once who claimed he never used any soap or shampoos on his body, and that guy, again, didn’t have any bad body odor. He just used plain water.
Now he’d just swim often in lakes or rivers, and if he’d have a shower, he didn’t use any personal care products on his body. There’s a trend for a lot of people to move towards natural ways of living like that. So do those people stink? Do they smell? No, not necessarily. Why should they? Especially if they’ve got a clean diet, they’re not going to be stinky at all. All right? But try not using personal care products and live your life on junk food. McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, lots of Coca Cola, and let’s see what your body smells like then in comparison to someone who would eat fresh and clean and healthy kind of foods.
I think you can understand the principle I’m getting at here. What you put in your body will certainly change your body, the bacteria inside and outside. So there are companies that make these kinds of products. I don’t think it’s Mother Earth. It could be Mother Dirt or something like that. Let me just look that one up. It could be Mother Dirt, but there are companies that make them now. There you go, Mother Dirt skin products. I found it.
I think that’s the name of the company. Yep. It’s called Mother Dirt. Not Mother Earth. Mother Earth make like snack bars and stuff like that. But do you really need these things? Not at all. No. You can use just the very plain glycerin kind of soap. That Pears glycerin soap or just a neutral pH soap is quite a nice one to use on your skin. So the question is what is the best probiotic soap for candida? I recommend actually that you treat the inside of the body more so than the outside if you’re going a gut issue. But if you want to treat the outside, check out Mother Dirt products and then treat the inside with probiotics, enzymes, things like that. And of course proper food because you really want to support the balance and growth of the human microbiome internally as much as you can.
But there’s nothing wrong with using something on the exterior as well. But if you have got a candida problem or a personal problem, the personal areas, don’t forget the Thursday Plantation tea tree oil soap. It’s one of the best. I’ve recommended that product now for over 20 years. It’s really, really, really good. If you’ve got a condition, however, like eczema or dermatitis or psoriasis, medical kind of problem and you really want to treat it, you could try the Mother Dirt products. But even more so if you’ve got psoriasis is to treat the internal of the body. I’ve never found psoriasis treatment successful with the patient until they got their gut fixed up. So by fixing up your gut, the skin will fix itself by default in most cases. In fact, coming back again to psoriasis, even psoriasis foundation admit themselves that many people have got a candida problem that needs fixing up.
Something I’ve maintained now for 30 years and finally now the psoriasis people are talking about that. So this isn’t a psoriasis video. I’m just saying that you need to treat the inside of the body probably even more so than the outside if you want to get the bacteria right, all right? But look at the neutral soaps, look at the medicinal soaps, look at Mother Dirt. All those products are starting to come out now. Needless to say, try not to use harsh chemicals on your scalp or on your skin, all right? If you can’t drink it or eat it, why would you put it on your body? Makes sense? Thanks for tuning in.