If you’ve done multiple Candida cleanses without any benefit, the first thing to do is confirm that you truly have a Candida problem.
I would want to know if you’ve had a stool test done? I can’t tell you how many times people have said to me they wish they had a stool test done a long time ago.
I also want to make sure the stool test was done properly. Did you stop all dietary supplements for at least a week before the stool tests? Did you stop all probiotics for 14 days before the stool test? Did you complete a three-day collection, not just one random sample?
The goal of the stool analysis is to identify the nature of your gut bacteria? What are the levels of beneficial bacteria in your GI tract? Do you have dysbiotic flora, low Klebsiella, pseudomonas, or other bacterial problems?
Are there detectable levels of yeast in your gut? What species of yeast are colonizing your GI system?
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There’s no point in making assumptions. Too many people I see make assumptions. They will say something like, “Oh, I just thought I’d try a Candida cleanse.” they’ll tell me? When I ask if they have a confirmed diagnosis of Candida, I’m told, “I don’t know, but I’ve got all the signs and symptoms.”
That’s not good enough. If you value your health and want to achieve fantastic gut health, you need to know exactly what problems you do or don’t have.
Before you do any cleansing, have the 3-sample comprehensive stool analysis completed.
Then, find an expert who can sit down with you and review the findings.
It could be a naturopath or a functional medicine doctor who provides the guidance.
If you use a lab like Doctor’s Data out of Chicago, your stool test results will also include a susceptibility panel. This panel will identify the natural and pharmaceutical agents that can treat the organisms identified in your stool.
If you have a confirmed case of Candida, and you’re still not improving, the most common reason is insufficient dosing or a life that is out of kilter.
If you’re staying up to three o’clock in the morning watching cat videos, you’re not getting the rest your body needs to optimize your gut health.
Start eating properly.
If your diet, lifestyle, sleep patterns, job, and relationships are in working order, you should recover.
If you hit a roadblock, try and identify what it is and go from there. It could be a new conflict in your life. It could be drinking too much alcohol. There’s usually some kind of snag that needs unsnagging, and then your health improves.