This time we’re going to talk about the different types of stool tests that are available. If you look at the website for Doctor’s Data, you can read in more detail about stool testing.
There are many different types of stool tests. You can do a bacteriology culture alone, which looks at beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus or Bifidobacteria versus the not-so-good bugs, like Citrobacter or Pseudomonas.
Stool samples can also undergo a comprehensive parasitology test. Parasite screening can be done on one to three samples with samples taken on separate days.
You can do the comprehensive stool analysis (CSA) without the parasitology. A test like that looks at inflammation, immunology, intestinal health markers, short-chain fatty acids, and the bacterial panel. You can do that to save yourself a hundred bucks if you don’t want to do a parasite screen.
Further readings:
- Everything You Need To Know About Abnormal Fatigue & Tiredness
- Frequently Asked Questions #18
- The Connection Between Candida Yeast And Addictive Behavioral Patterns
- Functional vs Conventional Laboratory Testing for Candida
- Avoid These 10 Mistakes If You Have An Autoimmune Condition
Our stool tests include elastase, a pancreatic enzyme marker that will indicate whether the pancreas is functioning properly.
You can do a Helicobacter pylori antigen test. Helicobacter pylori is a stomach bug that can cause reflux (GERD). Approximately one in four Americans have got that bug in their tummy.
Intestinal permeability tests are useful if you think you might have a leaky gut. There are several ways you can test for leaky gut. There are different drinks or a breath test that measures intestinal permeability
Several inflammatory markers can be measured in the stool. Calprotectin, lactoferrin, and lysozyme levels all provide a measure of inflammation.
The secretory IgA test will give a snapshot of the immune activity in your gut. Secretory IgA levels can give you an indication if the intestines are inflamed due to food, parasites, or for other reasons.
Clostridium difficile can be cultured in the stool. Clostridium is a type of intestinal bacteria that can cause severe infections in some people.
Some clients opt to do a standalone stool yeast panel. I don’t think it’s a great idea to only do a yeast panel. I think you’re better off doing a comprehensive stool test, which gives you a broader range of valuable information. The CAS provides a much better bang for your buck than a standalone test.
In total, there are probably 25 to 30 stool tests that you can do. In my opinion, the best option is to do a three-sample comprehensive stool analysis that includes parasite screening.