There is now a lot of emerging research linking alcohol consumption not only to many digestive dysfunctions including various forms of dysbiosis, but also to Candida directly.
Fermented Yeasts
One of the major issues which we are currently aware of when it comes to Candida infections is that of the amount of live yeasts in beer. Although most alcoholic drinks are fermented products, meaning most of the yeast is converted to alcohol, the case is not the same with beer. Both wines and spirits have most of the yeast brewed out of them and some are distilled so any remaining live yeasts are killed, but often with beer much of the live yeast remains. This means that every time you have a drink of beer live yeasts are being added to your digestive tract which already brimming with them – in short, you are adding fuel to the fire.
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- Integrity of Intestinal Wall & Candida Connection
- Learn How To Treat And Get Rid Of Candida Yeast Infections
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So, when it comes to alcohol in general and beer in particular there are several problems. One of the biggest relates to alcohol being broken down in the liver by a specific enzyme which converts it into something called acetaldehyde. This is then broken down further by another enzyme into acetate and this is then used to fuel cells. Sounds good, yes? The problem arises though when too much alcohol is introduced to the liver and there are not enough enzymes to convert it. Then you have surplus acetaldehyde knocking around, which is definitely not a good thing. This is because excess acetaldehyde actually contributes to damaging the tight junctions of the intestinal wall – the situation which results in leaky gut syndrome – and there are plenty of studies around to prove it like this one here
There is also evidence that Candida too produces acetaldehyde. So now you have a double whammy when it comes to this compound alone because not only does the liver have to deal with the excess produced by Candida overgrowth but also from the alcohol which has been introduced.
So, when it comes to alcohol and beer in general, you have several problems, that of yeasts, acetaldehyde and Candida acetaldehyde if you are unlucky enough to have an accompanying overgrowth. But when it comes to beer the problem is even worse. As I explained above beer is full of live yeasts, and, unless it has been pasteurized, there are no beers free of yeasts and this contributes to the excess already in the gut. But beer is also full of sugars, which feeds the yeasts.
You got it. Beer is a fun-fest for Candida! It’s basically an open invitation to the overgrowth to start dominating your digestive tract.
Prostate Problems?
Yet many men suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP) or prostititis, which, when alcohol consumption and beer in particular is stopped, then reverses. Of course is it always necessary to establish why your prostate is causing you discomfort, but in many cases of BHP test results will come back negative for any findings even when the patient is still suffering symptoms.
In this case it is often best to restrict alcohol and beer consumption, to zero if possible, and simply assess the situation for yourself.
Although often you will see conflicting advice regarding beer consumption and prostate function, there can be little doubt now that alcohol in general results in gut dysbiosis (most alcoholics have this condition in research studies) and we know that it can cause leaky gut. We also know that live yeasts are prevalent in many alcoholic drinks and most certainly in beers and in larger quantities and the effects can be more damaging, when it comes to dysbiosis, than other types of alcohol.
If you are a beer drinker and are suffering prostate problems and these are also appearing in combination with the more general indicators of Candida overgrowth such as bloating, indigestion, excessive gas and flatulence, then there is an obvious decision to be made. Will cutting out the beer improve your symptoms?
Women and Beer
Of course women too can be beer drinkers, and, although the prostate problem is gender specific, if you are a female drinker and are suffering any symptoms of Candida overgrowth, the outline above gives you a very good indication of how much damage you are initially causing to your digestive tract. Of course, these problems extend outside of the intestine but if leaky gut develops then your problems could clearly become systemic.
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- How Do Monosaccharides Help Your Body
- Children, Behavioral Issues, and Candida
- The Connection Between Candida Yeast And Addictive Behavioral Patterns
- 10 Psychological Effects of Having Candida Yeast Overgrowth
- Food Allergies and Candida
- Everything You Need To Know About Candida Auris
No matter how much or how little you drink, there is one strong indicator that your body is unable to cope with the amount of acetaldehyde you are producing – a hangover. If you suffer from hangovers, either as a regular or casual drinker, then make a mental note that a hangover is the metabolic response to excess acetaldehyde and already your digestive tract could be damaged. Although it might not be written in stone anywhere, a hangover can be a very good reminder that you are injuring your body, and not simply for the duration of the hangover symptoms, but quite possibly permanently.
How long after eliminating beer from your diet does it take for yeast to leave the human body ?
I drink a lot of beer and don’t eat very well for many years. lately my stomach is always cramped, even if I don’t drink beer. ones I drink a beer , I can burp and the stomach loosens up a bit. your comment please..
I have had a similar thing. My stomach was bloating, I had lots of gas, I was tired after food and in general. I began research and came across Candida, this is a yeast overgrowth in the gut. Basically it cries out for sugar and in general makes your gut very inefficient. When the yeast eats sugar it releases co2, this is the had used to carbonate drinks and it’s done in the same way. Bottle carbonated beers have live yeast, then sugar is added and the lid is sealed on. The yeast ears the sugar, produces co2 and carbonates the drink – this is what is happening in your gut, hence the gassy stomach.
So, that’s the explanation, how to treat it? 3 – 6 weeks of a strict diet. No sugar at all, not even sugar in fruit. The idea is to starve the yeast, look up the Candida diet for recipes, I did this then I followed up with oregano oil, a powerful anti fungal, anti viral solution. And guess what? No more bloating, normal amounts of wind, not tied after food, more energy, it was amazing, however Christmas had just been, lots of beer, chocolate and Christmas dinner had brought the symptoms back, I plan to detox again during January.
This was my journey, and it worked for me, I hope it works for you.
Biggest mistake people make when getting on candida treatment protocol is that they go all out from the very start rather than making small gradual changes so they can stick to it.
Oregano oil on its own is only potent if you can get with high Carvacol (80-85%) content and based on our research 99.99% of oregano oil sold online is nowhere near that level because the cost is rather very expensive and it can cause series issues if taken orally without any mix.
We have spent 30 year in the field and canxida remove contains the exact amount of Oregno oil with other herbs to give the best result.
If you still want to get just oregno oil make sure to get one that has EVOO as a blend and Carvacol is around 70-72%.