Let’s talk about some strategies, some things to later cope better and handle the candida diet better. 10 strategies to stick to your anti-candida diet.
I think probably the most important one of all I’m going to start with, it’s nothing to do with food. When you look at all these medical doctors now jumping in on candida and all these candida websites, it’s all about food. Don’t eat gluten, eat tons of this, yogurt. Other sites, don’t eat yogurt. Everything about food. Nothing is about stress or lifestyle. And they pay lip service to it. I hit candida really bad in my 20’s. I remember what it was like. It was bloody awful, it was terrible. I felt depressed, I felt anxious, I felt awful. I had to figure it all out myself. And unfortunately today when you look at sites, there’s no real offer or help for allowing a person to enable to understand what they’re going through when they got this candida. It’s not just about what goes in here, it’s about what’s being processed up here that makes a big difference.
So here’s the thing, try and understand. Point one, understand how stress plays a role in this whole equation. Stress got you into candida. Now meaning stress, something stressed your system to get you into that point. It could have been, like in my case, crappy jobs, working rotating shifts around the clock because I used to work in the flour mill of all places when I was younger. I was working morning, afternoon, night shift, rotating constantly and I got really sick. Got an infection, antibiotics, candida, bang, like that. So think about the causes with you. Think about what happened, what pushed you into this state. Think about how you can stop ever going back into this state again.
When a child puts his or her hand in a fire, he’s not likely to put his hand in the fire the second time. Some people do, but it’s not really a good idea. I think you get my point. But I’m trying to get you to understand that stress plays one of the biggest roles in shunting people into obsessions. Into eating the wrong kind of food, into taking drugs, into doing all kinds of things. So if you can look at it from this angle and understand if you have got stress that it’s totally counter productive and it’s going to keep you in that candida state for a lot longer by causing you to be immunocompromised.
I’ve discussed that enough on how the adrenals play a key role initially with high cortisol. And eventually by suppressing it when it gets really high, causing you to be more immune compromised and this is how you stay sick. So you need to work on the stress angle. Look at the job, look at the relationships, look at yourself. Get this sorted, all right? That’s point number one.
Point number two, we’ve just completed the video previously about the sugar in the diet. I’d like you to look at that on strategies to cope on how to get sugar out of the diet. I’ve made many videos on sugar on this channel. So needless to say, if you can’t avoid sugars in your diet, you’re not really going to get very far with candida. So that’s one of the strategies is to get out of it. And how do you do that? Well, look at the video I did just before on sugar because it shows you how to maintain a sugar free diet until you don’t have that taste for it anymore.
Let’s have a look. The third point is going to be the vegetable consumption. To me that’s one of the key things of the diet is eating the right type of veggies and having plenty of fiber in your diet. Slow to start with gradually building up your fiber content. Some sites will state keep away from pumpkin, sweet potato, starchy foods. Yes, for a lot of people with bad gut, it’s good advice. But if your guts not too bad, and you got say jock itch or vaginal thrush, but you can tolerate starchy foods without too much bad issues, you’re probably okay to have it in moderation. My book explains that whole concept.
Fruits of course. The third point. Sorry, that’s the fourth point. But the fruits in the diet, and there are low sugar fruits. Again, when I came out with this in 2013 nobody was really talking about low sugar fruits back then. People just said avoid all fruit. But I was quick to point out that not all fruits are bad with candida. Avocados are perfectly fine. So are usually citric like lemon and lime. And many people can get away with kiwi. Kiwi fruit’s fine for a lot of people for example. So not all fruit is off the menu.
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So a strategy for that is again telling yourself, I’m going to have the low sugar fruits now, but as my gut improves, just like mine has for a long time, you can eat any fruits. So tell yourself that. I’ll stick with these few fruits, but then I’m going to eventually have everything. It’s called delayed gratification.
Point number five, cultured and fermented foods. I love them. And I think they’re really good place in the diet. But remember, your strategy is to get better from candida. So it doesn’t mean to say you have to have these foods. Just because a website says, “Eat kiefer, eat kombucha, eat yogurt, eat [inaudible 00:05:26], have this.” I mean it’s too much. It’s all too much. That’s like wearing Gucci and ten different labels all at the same time. You’ll look like a fool and you’ll feel like one. So you don’t need all of this in your diet. You may be like me and just have a little bit of this or a little bit of that. I like sauerkraut, which I make myself. Of course I like yogurt. But you may be different. Depends on what you like. Don’t be shunted into something because someone tells you it’s good if you don’t like it. You may hate it.
What are we up to now? One, two, three, four, five, six, coffee. Now, here’s a good strategy for you when you go out. Tell yourself that coffee’s fine. But one coffee per day if you’re really bad. And usually have it in the morning, all right? And you don’t add sugar to it. If you have a black coffee, you might want to put a little bit of milk in there. I’m perfectly fine with that. And again your strategy to tell yourself is in time you’ll be able to have maybe more coffee in the afternoon. But just be careful.
What are we up to now? We’re up to number seven now. Don’t avoid gluten if you don’t want to. Don’t feel bad if you still have some small elements of gluten in your diet. But the strategy is to beat yourself up if it’s bad gluten, poor gluten. Meaning, if it’s cheap bread, if it’s the 99 cent white loaf from the gas station. That’s not really bread, is it? That’s probably something I put in the bottom of the parrot cage and I wouldn’t really… The parrot will probably get sick and die if I put it in the cage. So your strategy if you do want to stick with gluten and it seems to be fine with you, is to buy the best quality bread you can get. Or bake your own from high quality flour. But don’t eat the commercial stuff because it’s full of crap. So that’s your strategy. Don’t let people bully you into saying that gluten is radioactive. It’ll kill you upon sight. Because it may not.
Right, there was eight. Number nine, sleep. Your strategy is to get more sleep. It’s to get better quality sleep and more sleep. Sleep is the only way you’re going to really recover and feel good when you wake up. Don’t be one of these people who binges on all these internet kind of things and be up until 2:00, 3:00 AM every morning and then sleep all the next day. That’s a poor sleep cycle. This can lead to adrenal, depression, you’re going to end up with fatigue or thyroid dysfunctions, you’ll end up sick. It’s not a good lifestyle. Remember, lifestyle is a kin to health. Poor lifestyle, poor health. Good lifestyle, good health. Outstanding lifestyle, incredible health. It’s true.
Last one, what do you think the last one is? Is there a last one? Yes, there is a last one. It’s movement. Meaning, sitting on the chair all the time with a computer or playing Xbox constantly is not really conducive towards getting you out of the candida state. So your strategy is everyday to do some movement. Preferably for half an hour or an hour. I don’t exercise as much as I used to. Mainly because I’m so physically active around the garden and with the bees and all sorts of work that I constantly do. And my body weight is exactly where I want it to be. So ask yourself this question, is your body weight where you want it to be? Do you need to move more? Movement is exceptionally good for candida because it boosts wellbeing and also helps to stimulate your immune system, which will help you significantly. It’ll also improve your sleep cycle. So this is where the movement and the sleep come hand in hand to build your health up.
Try and follow these ten points. Because what you’re going to find is if you do, you’ll get a big benefit from them.