The CanXida products have got dates on them if you are carefully. But the date is not the expiry date, it’s the manufacturing thing. It’s when the product was made. Now people see that date, and they say, “Oh my goodness, this product’s going is expiring. I need to throw it out. What’s wrong with these guys? They’re selling expired products.” Well, they’re not expired. So if you see a date on there, you can add two years on top of that easily before the product is sort of coming to an end of its shelf life. So most all products last a long, long time. Dietary supplements are very well made and they’re made in incredibly clean and good conditions. When you store these products in a cupboard, in just a normal cupboard somewhere away from extreme heat or extreme cold or light, they’ll keep beyond two years. You’ll get 2.5 years easily out of these supplements.
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So it all depends on how you keep them. So if you were to keep this in the glove box of your car, for example, and it’s 100 degrees outside, well, it’s not really a good idea, is it? But you’ll probably find that your cell phone will start melting in that temperature in your car anyway, so you wouldn’t do it. So what’s the thing? Well, if you’ve got it, look at the label, you’ll find there should be plenty of time still to use the product. They don’t expire that quickly. Keep them in good condition by storing them in a cupboard, away from the light, and you’ll have no problem with them. So just to clear that up, the date on there is not the expiry date, it’s the manufacturing date.