Benefits Of Flaxseed For Gut Health

Flaxseed, flaxseed oil. Have you ever heard of it? A very interesting plant. I use flaxseed. I use it in the garden for my tools, my shovel and spade. I use a boiled flaxseed for that one. So you can get unboiled flaxseed and boiled flaxseed. The boiled one’s really nice because it dries quite quick. I mix it with a little bit of gum turpentine. I put it all over the handles on the rake and shovel and you get a lovely, nice soft, smooth feeling about the timber. It feeds and nourishes the timber. That’s the commercial flaxseed.

Some flaxseeds, also, you can buy for pets. And of course, you can get a more refined, a pure, a cleaner form for humans. I highly recommend flaxseed oil for so many conditions. It’s particularly good for conditions like multiple sclerosis. It’s very good for that.

So flaxseed is an interesting plant, and the seeds of it, a very, very amazing amount of fiber in these things. So fiber content is exceptional with linseed. One of the most exciting thing is the lignans content. Lignans is, I think, a polyphenol. It’s an antioxidant and flaxseed contains what? Seven, eight, 900 times more of this than just about anything else you’ll get. Now, lignans has shown in various studies that anticarcinogenic properties. So it’s anti-cancer. It’s a very powerful anti-inflammatory property and there is significant elements of Omega 3 fatty acids in these, too, which reduce inflammation. It’s fantastic for gut health. So if you can have a few little teaspoons of flaxseed oil per day in your diet, I can seriously recommend this for digestive health.

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When you first start having oils in your diet, start slowly. Take a quarter teaspoon or half teaspoon every day, and then slowly, slowly, slowly over a period of weeks and months, build it up until you can easily have a couple of tablespoons per day. One tablespoon of flaxseed oil per day, two tablespoons of olive oil per day, is perfect for you to do. I highly recommend it.

So the question is: What are the benefits of flaxseed for gut health? It helps constipation, reduces aspects of inflammatory bowel disease. It improves, also, people with loose bowel motions when you eat the flaxseed meal. Helps to reduce the bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. You will find bloating will start coming down. And of course, if you take the flaxseed and then put some probiotics in your diet, even better result, because you’ll find that your beneficial bacteria count will start going up nicely.

So for those people who want to jack up their beneficials, try a dessert spoon of flaxseed per day, the ground-up flaxseed. You can get LSA mix: linseed, sunflower, almond. Even better. Keep it in the refrigerator. When you have your cereal in the morning or your porridge, like I do, you sprinkle that on the porridge. And then a bit of honey on top. Perfection.