How do you deal with allergies that are flared up by Candida? Allergies can also be flared up by different bacteria. Even parasites can flare allergies up. But how do you deal with allergies caused by other problems? Well, a key thing to remember, many allergies are mitigated through the small bowel. Okay? The small bowel has a great way to flare you up. I found the secret to getting many allergies under control for people is to improve the overall immune health of that person. And in particular, fine tune the diet, take things out of the diet that you know that shouldn’t be there. And if you’ve got a persistent problem with food allergies and you’ve got gut issues, for goodness sakes, get a stool test done and look where your beneficial bacteria count is. Okay?
Should that mean you should just pop probiotics all the time and to hell with doing the stool testing? No. You really should do that stool test to see where your gut is at. You need to know what kind of bacteria you’ve got in that bowel. Okay? Have you got high counts? Have you got low counts? The overall state of the health of the bacterial balance in the gut will determine to a high degree if the allergies are going to be low, high, medium, wherever they are.
You will find well into the future if this video is still up in a hundred years, if there is a planet in a hundred years the way we go, there’ll be such advancement in microbiology that they will have identified literally every bacteria in the gut and link it with different conditions. They’ll be at the stage where they can take the smallest stool sample, probably the size of a pinhead and give you every bit of information you know about your gut just from that alone.
They’ll have the ability to scan people to a far higher degree. Also, with technology, scan their body, almost like a Star Wars, Star Trek kind of thing, and put this fantastic concept together if you understand where your health is at that point in time. We’re getting that way slowly now with technology. But the advancements, I think in immunology and microbiology are really going to be ramped up when technology improves.
So what am I trying to say here? Am I trying to weasel my way out of this question? No, I’m not. How do you deal with allergies caused by Candida albicans? You deal with allergies by understanding that some foods have got a very high propensity for creating an allergic response. Others have got a medium, and others are going to low. Okay? Now most people don’t usually get allergies when they drink water. Okay? Well, I’ve had some patients that can’t drink water on anything but glass. That might be more of a mental allergy than anything, isn’t it?
Let’s look at the highest of all allergic type of foods. For example, the dairy products, okay? The cow’s milk. Okay? I had a comment from a subscriber just the other day saying, “I can’t have dairy, but does it mean I can’t eat gee?” Yes, you can. Gee, I’ve not seen any gee allergies. I’ve seen plenty of milk allergies. So if I had a feeling I had an allergic problem, I’d avoid anything with cow’s milk straight off the cup, chocolate, cream, anything like that at all with milk in it because the tendency is there for it to become quite allergic with me. I know what I have allergies against and milk is one of them. But remember, you need to maybe watch some of my videos where I talk about food allergies. Egg does rank reasonably high for many people, egg white, egg yolk. Chicken, never an allergy, but eggs, yes.
Is that microphone on? Yeah, it’s on. So eggs, dairy, oranges are another big one. For example, my 20-year-old son is home at the moment. He got fired from his job during the COVID. He came home. We got a garden full of food. So of course, I picked whole heaps of oranges and mandarins. We had bowls of them, so my young guy straightaway, he’s into the fruit. He’s drinking glasses of orange juice every day and he’s eating. And within literally a week, he had a big red ring right around his month, burning ring. I said, “Mate, that’s what you get. You know, if you have too much, if you have like seven or eight oranges in a day, you’re going to get this kind of a thing.” Okay? Most people, if they eat too much of one thing, will get an allergy of some type. I guarantee you, if you eat way too much. If you eat 10 pounds of potatoes a day, you could end up with some problem, too. So be cautious.
Suggested readings:
- Does Candida Cause Sinus Infections, Headaches, and Fatigue?
- Vaginal Yeast Infection Cleansing
- Is Kombucha Tea Good for Yeast Infection?
- Fantastic Aromatherapy Treatments for Vaginal Thrush
- All You Need To Know About Giardia Lamblia
- Can I Use Apple Cider Vinegar With A Yeast Infection?
So let me just mentally run off in my mind the checklist of food you need to be cautious of if you’ve got allergies. I think the top of the tree, as I mentioned, is cow’s milk. Eggs fall a little bit under that, but you need to also be careful of different types of fruits like as I mentioned, citrus fruits. Look at compound foods like chocolate. It can be highly allergenic. Some people are allergic to some types of legumes like red kidney beans. Bananas are another source of allergies for many people. You’d be surprised how many pineapple and banana allergies I’ve seen over the years. I see the old kiwifruit allergy, but not that common and rarely do we see tomato or lettuce allergies.
I did see a guy once, I mentioned in one of my videos, with facial acne like really bad. I spent a long time with this guy, he was CEO of a company, and there’s no way I could get on top of this thing. And then we did a food allergy test through… What’s the name of that lab in Seattle? I forget it now. There’s a lab there in Seattle that do food allergy testing. And so we did an IgE and IgG, like a food allergy blood-based test. And you would not believe it. Okay? Lettuce. This guy is allergic to lettuce. When we took lettuce out of his diet, okay? Guess what happened? The skin cleared up. I’ve never seen anything like it. You know what this guy is doing? He was juicing lettuce, juicing. He told me later on that he was putting it in juices and drinking it every day. So just be careful.
This is my advice to you. If you’ve got allergies or you believe you’ve got allergies, look at the food or beverage that you love the most. Look at the one you frequent, you keep going back to, you have every day or every second day. The thing that you like the most can often cause you the most grief. It’s just like being married. You’ve been married like me for 35 years, it can cause you a lot of grief. Right? Because you like it the most. Okay? When you’re being with someone a long time, it can cause a lot of problems, but it will also cause a lot of love. Okay? So it’s normal. The more you’re with something, the more you like something, the more potentially it could be a problem. All right?
So think about that carefully right now. Think if you’ve got an allergy, what do I love drinking the most or eating the most? And then it’s back off, back off, back off. Okay. Back off that food or drink. So consciously stop that food or drink entirely for 14 days and then see what the symptoms are like. Okay? If there’s a change, you may have actually uncovered something that you’ve been looking for for a long time, uncovered the answer to the riddle. Why have I got XYZ? Well, XYZ may have come from ABC. When you ate ABC too many times, you’ve got XYZ. It could be that. Okay? If you want to break that, you’ve got to stop that food or drink. You’d be surprised.
My son-in-law, bad heartburn. Okay? Red heartburn. Reflux for days. Well, I look at this guy and he’s always got a can of Red Bull in his hand. Okay? He sits in front of his laptop. He likes energy drinks and he likes potato chips and stuff like that. So I said, “Mate, come on, you need to stop this kind of stuff. You know? If you’re going to become a soda lover, you’re going to have to become an antacid lover, too. You know?” So think about that. If you don’t want pharma drugs, all your life, stop doing things that causes symptoms, then you won’t need medications to switch off the allergic symptoms or whatever.
Anyway, there was enough raving on for one day. So, that’s my take on the allergies. Identify the source, stop it. Maybe do some stool testing to get that gut balanced and get the beneficials up again.