According to one Salvatore Battaglia, who wrote the textbook widely regarded as one of the world’s best books on the subject of aromatherapy, (The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, The Perfect Potion, 1995) the best essentials oils to for a yeast infection are German chamomile, geranium, lavender, lemongrass, myrrh, petit grain, tea tree and thyme.
Aromatherapy Treatment
The treatment Salvatore recommends is baths and local applications of essential oils. The oils mentioned above have been selected because of their antiseptic, antifungal and immune-stimulating properties. A sitz bath is very effective for vaginal irritation; 2-3 drops of the essential oil should be added to the bidet or large bowl of warm water and used twice daily if symptoms persist.
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The Aromatherapy Douche for Itching And Soreness
Valerie Ann Worwood (The Fragrant Pharmacy. MacMillan, London, 1990) recommends a douche using whole milk yogurt containing live acidophilus cultures.
- German chamomile 5 drops
- Lavender oil 5 drops
- Tea tree oil 5 drops
Add the above oils to a 100-gram carton of fresh yogurt. The yogurt combined with the essential oils has the dual action of antibiotic and antifungal properties. Use Valerie’s method if there is a considerable amount of soreness and incessant itching. Use either an applicator for inserting pessaries or a tampon applicator.
Another way of using yogurt is by diluting it with warm spring water until you have made a thin fluid. Then the essential oils are added and this mixture is used in a douche, washing the vaginal tract twice daily.
The Tea Tree Oil Douche
Tea tree oil is one of the best natural medicines you will ever use with a yeast infection, but please be sure to get the Australian Tea Tree Oil. I have recommended Tea Tree Oil for over twenty years for yeast infections and am never disappointed with the fantastic feedback I routinely get from patients. The best maple syrup comes from Canada and the best Tea Tree Oil comes from Australia.
Get the pure oil for stubborn skin areas, especially on the feet and toes as well as toe nails. It is totally safe to use on nails, and unlike thyme or oregano oil, there is little risk in this oil causing any burning sensations.
Place about 300mls tepid water into a shallow bowl, add 1 teaspoon water miscible (water-soluble) Tea Tree Oil and mix well. Fill a douche bag with the tea tree solution and apply as required to the vagina. The tea tree oil is anti-inflammatory but also an effective anti-fungal.
Tea Tree Oil Vaginal Pessary and Douche Combo – Even Better
Australian Tea Tree Oil is one of the best things you can use when you have a vaginal yeast infection, it’s just one of those medicines that works consistently time and again.
A Tea Tree Oil douche has been used and recommended by alternative medicine doctors for over 50 years now for vaginal yeast infections, literally since the discovery of the remarkable natural antifungal.
Use from eight to ten drops of the pure Australian Tea Tree Oil in 500 milliliters (or 1 pint) of tepid purified or distilled water. Douching in between pessary applications seems to be the best solution in ridding your vagina from the discomfort including the burning and incessant itching of a candida vaginal yeast infection.
Try Water-Soluble Tea Tree Oil
For women who want to use Tea Tree Oil in a douche will need to get the water-soluble Tea Tree Oil, you can use the pure oil or you can get a water-soluble Tea Tree Oil, see what works best for you. I have known several people over the years that have successfully treated their own cracked heels, tinea, athlete’s feet with a warm foot spa, and including in the water plenty of water-soluble tea tree oil.
Those of us who use essential oils and know them well will tell you that apart from oregano oil, tea tree essential oil is the best anti-fungal used straight on stubborn areas of skin, jock itch, fungal nails. Use the Tea Tree Oil as spot skin, scalp or nail treatment, and use the water-soluble tea tree oil for when you want to do a douche or wash areas of skin in general.
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Tea tree oil can be applied directly to candida skin problems (especially the toes or with athletes foot) or add to bath water. The water-soluble Tea Tree Oil is perfect for candida yeast infected patients; use a small amount (about 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon to 1 cup of tepid water) as a douche or to wash the skin, feet or other areas of the body. This is the one time I do recommend that you use a tampon – make up a solution of water soluble Tea Tree Oil and water (you can try a weak solution first, like ¼ teaspoon of the water soluble oil to 1 cup of tepid water) and if all is well go stronger, such as 1 teaspoon of the water soluble oil to a quarter cup of the water. I know some women who use the Tea Tree essential oil neat on a tampon, but I do not recommend this for you until you gain sufficient experience with Tea Tree Oil and understand how it affects you in different ways. I believe that Tea Tree Oil is possibly the best product to use vaginally, besides oregano oil or fresh garlic. Try the probiotic & whey douche and alternate with the Tea Tree Oil douche. You will be quite surprised.
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