Athlete’s Foot

Got Itchy Feet?

What is fungus or what is athlete’s foot? Athlete’s foot is a fungal condition potentially affecting the fingers, hands, feet or toenails and it is more common than you think. Athlete’s foot can be quite an uncomfortable skin condition that has the potential to cause scaling, flaking, and itching of the affected skin. Typically, finger and toe nail fungus will start at the tips and grows down into the nail bed, while the cure works from the root of the nail and the body grows it off the body.

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Blisters and cracked skin may also occur, leading to exposed raw tissue, pain, swelling, and inflammation. Secondary bacterial infection can accompany the fungal infection, sometimes requiring a course of oral antibiotics for those who go to their doctor – but this is not necessary in most cases if you treat the condition promptly. After 20 yrs of clinical naturopathic practice, I have rarely found it necessary to ever resort to an antibiotic drug for any bacterial or fungal skin complaint. I’ve discovered that once you start taking these drugs, you end up sooner rather than later with a repeat course as you weaken your immune system, besides various side-effects including the destruction of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system.

Athlete’s Foot Can Spread To Other Areas Of The Body

This fungal skin infection can be spread to other areas of the body, such as the groin, and usually is called by a different name once it spreads, such as tinea corporis on the body or limbs and tinea cruris (jock itch) for an infection of the groin. Tinea pedis most often manifests between the toes, with the space between the fourth and fifth toes being most commonly afflicted.

Some individuals may experience an allergic response to the fungus in which small blisters or vesicles appear in areas such as the hands, chest and arms. Treatment of the fungus usually results in resolution of these kinds of allergic reaction.

I have found it pointless in most chronic cases of athlete’s foot to expect a great result and permanent outcome unless you treat the digestive system at the same time. Sure you will get a temporary result, the annoying itchy skin condition will go away, but it will return again sooner rather than later because the cause was not addressed.  My Permanent Yeast Solution program is one the most effective permanent treatments of all types of candida yeast infections, including athlete’s foot.

Eric’s Athlete’s Foot Treatment Tips

I can highly recommend you follow my basic candida diet recommendations, particularly  if you have a chronic case of athlete’s foot. Drink a cup or two of Pau D’arco tea each day, because we have had great feedback from patients who soak their feet in a strong solution of Pau D’arco tea each day for 14 days.

If you have onychomycosis (toenail fungus), the first thing you will want to do is to put 1 to 2 drops of pure Tea Tree Oil (Thursday Plantation brand is the original and best) at the growing base of the affected nail each night and morning, within a few months, normal nail will begin to show at the base of the nail. If you have particularly stubborn infections, try alternating a drop of tea tree oil with a drop of Oregano oil. And remember – do the diet for a permanent result.

It is important to bear in mind that the normal nail will have to grow out of the infected nail. If the treatment is missed, for even one dose, the nail that grew that day may not be resistant to the fungus and the fungus may jump from the infected nail that is still present into the healthy (but not resistant) nail. Be sure to keep the toe nails trim and wear a fresh clean pair of cotton (never wear nylon socks) each and every day.

Toe Nail Fungus

This is a picture of Ted’s foot. Ted is a 58yr old truck-driving male who has had toe nail fungal issues and athlete’s foot for many years now. These toes are typically the ones I see in the clinic, and they respond really well to the candida protocol I have been using for many years.

Do you use conventional fungal medications from your doctor? What you will find in most cases is the recurrence of problems like this. Try natural medicine when it comes to toe nail fungus and you will be able to beat it nearly every time.

The Yeast Solution Foot Bath

Mix together:

  • ½ teaspoon of Water Soluble Tea Tree Oil (use Thursday Plantation)
  • 1 small clove of finely chopped or finely crushed garlic. Only use fresh garlic, not dried or oil.
  • 10 drops of colloidal silver
  • Mix with approximately500 mls (1/2  litre) of warm water.
  • Place water and mixture in a suitable container and soak foot/feet for 20 minutes, then dry.
  • Apply Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil (1 drop per toenail) to affected area after feet have dried.

The Yeast Solution Foot Treatment Protocol

  • Make sure you follow my Permanent Yeast Solution diet and lifestyle recommendations in my book.
  • Go barefoot when you can, and walking by the seaside in ocean water is very beneficial.
  • Expose you feet to sunlight where possible for 15 – 20 minutes a day.
  • For best results – wash your feet about every 12 hours – at bedtime and upon arising.
  • Wash the affected toes with terry-towel washcloth (using Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil Soap)
  • Drying between toes, apply Tea Tree Oil sparingly and rub in well. Put on fresh clean socks.
  • Place one to two drops of Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Oil in all shoes at least once a week.
  • Rotate shoes, it is preferable not to wear the same shoes every day – buy two or three pairs and rotate shoes. This is important if you play sports or wear shoes for many hours a day.
  • Clean cotton socks or stockings every day, be sure to soak your socks with a little disinfectant or a few drops of Water-Soluble Tea Tree Oil regularly.
  • For very stubborn and resistant conditions, apply one drop of Oregano Oil to the affected toenail daily

By following these instructions you will almost surely get a fantastic result with athlete’s foot. No more smell, no more itch and no more terrible looking feet.

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8 thoughts on “Athlete’s Foot”

  1. Pingback: Jock Itch
  2. I’m allergic to tea tree oils so am wondering if there is something else that can be substituted for the tea tree oil? All these prescription medications scare me and doctors are running blood tests to make sure my liver stays ok


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