The second stage of the plan involves cleansing and restoring the body by returning the acid/alkaline balance back to normal. You’ll need about 10 minutes for this part of the cleanse.
Main Benefit: The cleansing wash has a pH balancing, cleansing and tonifying action on the penis, scrotum, perineum and upper inner thigh region. This wash finishes off the treatment and cleanses & restores, returning the acid/alkaline balance of the skin back to normal.
Related articles:
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What You Need: A small clean cotton face cloth, 2 tablespoons of a quality apple cider vinegar; a small bowl of tepid to warm water (about 250ml or 1 cup); and one half teaspoon of water-soluble tea tree oil. The addition of the water-soluble tea tree oil is clever as it ensures an anti-fungal action to finish off the treatment.
The Method: Mix the ACV and water-soluble tea tree oil in the bowl of water. Soak the small face cloth or hand towel in the mixture and rinse the affected skin well. Be sure to rinse and wash the area under the foreskin and under the scrotum and upper inner thighs. Gently dry the area with a soft cotton hand towel then use a hairdryer to ensure a more complete dryness afterwards and sleep preferably without undergarments. Use fresh cotton underwear changed every day; avoid nylon underwear or nylon/cotton blends. When you are finished, place the cloth in a bucket or container with water containing a bleach and water solution to sterilize it.
Click here to read stage 3 of the treatment plan.
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